Chill Day

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Hello everyone and happy holidays!

I hope you enjoy reading this book or any of my books!

Reading your comments or simply voting gives me the motivation to keep writing.

In the media is my baby Odell😍



The following week after going to the play arena with Odell and his friends was hectic.

When I went to my classes on campus people would stare and whisper about me as I walked by.

I felt like I was in high school all over again.

Then to make things worse, paparazzi started following me to and from work.

They kept questioning me about if Odell and I were in a relationship or seeing each other.

I never responded to them and just kept walking without a word.

When Odell found out that they were harassing me, he immediately started apologizing over and over to me.

Luckily my job didn't look at my situation as a bad thing. The owner was exactly glad that more people were coming and buying from the store, even if they were only there to see me.

You see, I work in a boutique that sells exclusive high fashion merchandise for low prices. So basically, the store is like a Forever21 times 10.

Business had already been booming but the rumors about me had been free advertisement to come to the store.

It seems like everyone is enjoying the publicity except me.

I had to make all my social media pages private because many of these psychotic women would threaten me to stay away from Odell.

Then, I have several gossip websites or radio stations calling me to get an interview from me.

I would always sit and wonder, how the hell did they get my number in the first place?

All this chaos is driving me crazy and making me regret becoming friends with Odell.

Today I had nothing to do. I had no classes because we were on break for the holidays and today was one of my off days from work.

When I woke up around 8:00 this morning, I just laid in bed and watched tv for another two hours.

I had made me a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and I sat on my bed watching old episodes of Hey Arnold.

Suddenly the sound of a loud banging was coming from my front door.

I huffed and set my bowl on top of my night stand next to my bed and went to answer the door.

Because I was to short to look into the peephole, just yelled at who ever was on the other side.

"Who is it?"

"It's Santa Claus, bitch just open the door!"

I rolled my eyes because I knew it was Angelina, hood rat ass.

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