New friends and Dinner

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I hope y'all know I be busting my butt trying to do this college work and write for y'all.
In the media is Ms. Monica gorgeous self!😍



I can't believe I saw him at IHOP.

I wonder if Satan is just messing with me or God is punishing me for a sin I've committed.

Whatever it was, it is getting on my last nerve.

After seeing him at IHOP, I started seeing him everywhere!

Whether it was on a billboard or on a commercial or even on a cereal box!

Odell Beckham Jr is everywhere!

I never understood how I didn't know he was a professional football player for the NY Giants.

I watch football here and there when I could but I never heard of him.

Have I been living under a rock?

I actually took the time to look him up on Google. I searched his name and instantly pictures, videos, and articles popped up about his impressive three fingered catch.

After that he received a lot of buzz as being one of the best receivers in the NFL at the moment.

I can't lie but I was impressed with his skills and professional portfolio.

Apparently he came from LSU royalty being that both of his parents were star athletes at LSU.

While scrolling through some old photos of him at LSU, I came across a picture of him standing between some familiar faces.

The faces belonged to non other than Jarvis and Kavahra!

It wasn't hard to figure out that they are friends from college or maybe even childhood.

My curiosity got the best of me and I clicked over to search up Jarvis and Kav.

It turns out that they also had been drafted into the NFL!

How can I not know anything about these people?

The more I lurked, the more I felt like a creepy stalker.

I finished my search and closed my laptop to think.

I should have known they were rich and famous just by Jarvis inviting us to the VIP section!

I was so oblivious to it though.

I however didn't dwell on the thought of them and turned over to get a good nights rest before I go to school tomorrow.

I swear those 8 a.m. classes can be the devil.

The Next Day.......

I was walking to my car after my class to go get some food.

Since I had two hours before my last class of the day, I decided to get me some chicken from Popeyes.

When I made it to Popeyes the line was long so I took out my headphones until the line started moving.

I stood there jamming to Beyoncé when I sensed eyes on me.

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