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I wish I can just graduate college already and go on with my life🙄😒

That has nothing to do with the book, that's just how I feel.😂😭

Anyway back to the chapter!

Amelia in the media.



We enjoyed ourselves while eating lunch but now it was time for us to leave.

I grabbed my purse and linked arms with Odell as we walked out of the restaurant all smiles.



In a matter of seconds, we were bombarded by tons of screaming people with cameras.

The bright flashes instantly blinded me from seeing where we were going.

Odell quickly grabbed me and shielded me from them.

I stumbled the whole way to the car judging on the fact that I was temporarily blind.

The loud banter continued outside of the car as we began to hurriedly drive away.

I turned in my seat to see some of them were actually running after the car!

But, soon we were too fast for them to keep up.

"Lolo, I'm sorry you had to experience that so early on in our friendship," Odell spoke after a few minutes of silence.

I sat there and thought for a minute.

"It's ok Dell it was going to happen sooner or later."

He shook his head and continued to drive in a direction that wasn't towards my condo.

"Hey Odell, where are we going now?"

He side eyed me before letting a secretive smirk fall on his lips.

"Just sit back and ride babygirl, it's a surprise where we're going."

I don't know why but the name "babygirl" rolling off his tongue sounded amazing.

I rolled my eyes at him before turning on the radio to distract myself a little.

He gave me a stank look but I chose to ignore him.

"Lotus, don't you ever touch a black man's radio," he said while giving me a playful evil eye.

I scoffed at him and continued to listen to the station that was playing my husband Chris Brown.

That man is the love of my life and his daughter is now my child in my head. Lol

Anyway, I sung along with Chris as he hit some high notes in the song.

"Maybe, you should leave the singing to Chris, Lotus," He said while snickering.

If looks could kill then Odell would have been 20 feet underground right now.

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