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Hola mi hermosas!

I hope you are enjoying my book so far! Can I ask a favor tho? Can you share or tell people about it? And can you all comment once even you silent readers?

Yeah I know you're reading because how the hell I get 100 reads in 30 minutes but 10 comments and 8 votes?

Anyway enough with my rants.
*Beyoncé voice* Carry On!

P.S. - I hope you love the gif of Odell in the media as much as I do😍☺️😘

I know if I'm haunting you
You must be haunting me
~Beyoncé - Haunted


Jarvis, Kavahra, and all my other friends didn't speak to me for rest of the night.

I mean yeah I may have went too far by calling her "extra crispy" but her friend Angel really annoyed me after she told me she wasn't single.

I don't really go for black girls because most of them are ratchet, loud, ghetto, and just plain annoying. Then most dark skins are just unattractive to me.

So, I don't even bother with the hassle of putting time in with a black girl.

I guess that girl or whatever wasn't ugly but I was just trying to get my point across to her friend that I didn't want her.

Good thing I drove my own car to the club because if I rode with one of the boys they would have been petty and left my ass stranded.

I was not drunk so I made it home safely, but I noticed the whole drive home I couldn't stop thinking about the birthday girl whose name I forgot.

The look on her face after I said "extra crispy" kind of haunted me.

She looked so sad and depressed.

I began to feel bad.

Maybe I did go too far by calling her unnecessary names, especially on her special day.

I unlocked the door and I instantly heard the sound of feet running towards me.

My two dogs Tzar and Dre jumped up barking happy to see me.

I closed and locked my door before bending down to pet both of their heads.

"Did you miss daddy boys?"

They both barked in response to me like they understood exactly what I'm saying.

I took off my shoes before making my way to my master bedroom.

I took off my shirt and threw it in the laundry pile, before grabbing some pajama pants and loose boxers.

I made my way to the bathroom to take some of this stank sweat from the club off of me.

In the shower my thoughts kept drifting to the situation that happened tonight.

I was wondering why I can't stop thinking about it.

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