Where is he?

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"Guys I'm serious. Where is Jordan?"
"I have no idea. I'm sorry Ash."
"What do you mean you have no idea?"
"Lucy came in and we talked while Jordan was playing on the floor but when I looked down the next time he wasn't there anymore."
"What do you mean he wasn't there? He is only a six months old baby. What is when something happens to him? He can only crawl." Just as I say this Tyler walks thought the door.
"What's going on here? Where is Jordan?"
"He is missing."
"He is what? We should go and look for him." All nod and we make our way thought the studio.
We are looking for him since one hour. I'm really scared. What if we can't find him. The Warner Bros Studios are huge. A tear rolls down my cheek and Tyler notice it.
"We will find him. I promise." I nod and as I wanted to say something a producer comes to us.
"Hi guys I have found Jordan. He crawled around the set. I have looked for you since I have found him. You must have a better eye on him" We nod and I take Jordan in my arms.
"You have scared Mommy and Daddy Jordan but I'm glad that you are here now. Thank you so much." I hug him and goes away. I'm so happy that I have my baby boy back.

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