Time for us

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I look for Tyler but couldn't find him. My last idea was that he was in 'Hanna's bedroom'. And I looked there and found him laying on the bed with his back to me. Slowly I walk up to him and hug him. He screams and turns around.
"What the hell Ash you scared me."
"I'm sorry I wanted to suprise you."
"It's ok. Where is Jordan?"
"He is with Troian. I thought we go into your room and have time for us. What do you think?"
"That's a good idea." He takes my hand as we walk to his room. As soon as he shuts the door he smiles and kisses me. I start to take off his shirt and you know what happened from there on...
"Ash this was amazing." Just as I was about to say something someone knocks on the door.
"Tyler are you in here?"
"Yeah Ian I am what's wrong?"
"Can you come in?"
"No not now." But he dosen't listen and walks inside.
"Man I would like to know....whoa what's going on here? No I know what's going on. Can't you guys wait till you are at home?"
"No well yes but...."
"No I don't want to know." And with that he walks outside. This was akward and soon everybody on set will know....

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