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Today Tyler and I decided to have a realaxed day since our baby girl can come any day now. Tyler and I are so exited that our baby girl will be here soon and that Jordan can be a big brother. We just made breakfast and ate and now we are on the sofa enjoying the time.
"When will the baby be here?"
"Soon. Are you exited to be a big brother?"
"Yeah. Do you know what her name will be?"
"Yes Abigail or Avery but we don't know for sure."
"Oh ok."
"Do you want to watch a movie buddy?"
"Yeah that would be great Daddy."
"Ok what do you want to watch?"
"Cars please." I nod and put the Tv on.
We are watching Cars but since a few minutes I'm getting pain in my stomach but I'm not sure if they are contractions so I will wait a bit...
Should her name be Abigail or Avery?

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