Meeting the big brother

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Our baby girl is now three hours old. Abigail was born on August 6 on 7 p.m. she is so amazing. Tyler texted his Mom and told her that our baby is here and that she should come as soon as Jordan wakes up. So we just enjoy the time with her.
I craddle our baby in my arms as the door opens and Tyler's Mom walks in with Jordan. He sees me and runs towarwards me.
"Mommy, Daddy."
"Hi buddy."
"Hi Daddy. Who is this?"
"This is your little sister."
"She is beautiful Mommy. What's her name? Can I hold her?"
"Yes sit in my lap and I place her in your lap. Her name is Abigail" He nods and sits on my lap.
"Mommy I like her. When can I play with her?"
"You have to wait a few years till she is older. But you can always cuddle with her."
"Ok. Can I give her a kiss on the cheek?" I nod and he gives her a kiss on the cheek. I smile and look at Tyler who has also a smile on his face. Today Tyler and I are official parents of two kids.

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