A day with Daddy

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~Two months later~
Jordan is already nine months and he is amazing. Tyler and Jordan are the best what happend to me. The fans know that I have a son but they have no idea that Tyler is Jordan's Dad or that Tyler and I are together. But I would like to tell this the fans soon. Before I do that I should speak with Tyler. Today I have a shooting with Lucy and Tyler will do something with Jordan. I look at the clock and see that it is already 7  a.m. so I better get ready. I change into a comfortable outfit, grab some coffee and walk out of the door.

(Tyler's Pov)
I wake up and look at the clock which reads 8 a.m. as I hear Jordan crying. So I get up and walk to his room. Ashley has a shooting today and I will do something with Jordan.
"Morning buddy. What's wrong?" I take him out of his crib and walk downstairs with him.
It's 11 p.m now and I decided to go on a walk with him.
"Your readdy for a walk with Daddy?" He claps his hands and I take ist as a yes. Then I place him in his seat and walk outside with him.
I come home with Jordan two hours later and lay him down cause he seems tired and you walk into the living room to watch Tv.
Jordan is awake now and we are in the living room and playing a clapping game as Ashley walks thought the door.
"He bae. Hi baby boy. Have you had an amazing day together?"
"Yeah. And how was your shooting?"
"Great but now I'm happy that I can spend the rest of my day with my boys."

Last chapter for today.

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