Telling the cast

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Today Tyler and I have to go back to filming. We take Jordan with us because he loves hanging out on set. We got back from our weekend yesterday. It was really amazing and we had a great time. I get up and walk to Jordan's room.
"Morning baby boy." I take him out and get him dressed then walk back into our bedroom.
"Morning Daddy." I give Jordan to Tyler and he smiles.
We got to set. We have a table read and when we are finished we will tell them.
We finished with the table read and as everybody wants to get up Tyler stops them.
"Can you sit back down Ashley and I have something to tell you guys."
"Your pregnant aren't you Ash?"
"What no? How would you think that Lucy?"
"I don't know."
"No she isn't pregnant but we are getting married."
"What that's amazing."
"Thanks guys." They hug us all and you can see how happy they.
"Congratulations Ashley and Tyler but now get all back we need to start filming." They all nod and we went back to film our scenes.

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