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I'm laying in our bed with Tyler next to me. He is sound asleep but I'm having pain in my stomach. I had pains the whole day but I didn't want to worry Tyler. But then I'm feeling something slide down my legs.
"Mh? What's wrong baby?"
"My water just broke."
"What? Than come on."
"What about Jordan?"
"I call my Mom and ask her if she could watch him." I only nod.
We got to the hospital one hour ago and I'm already seven centimeters along. Tyler's Mom is watching Jordan. It's only 5 a.m so when he wakes up he will ask where we are. The pain isn't as strong as I had but it still hurts. The doctor come in and tells me that it's time to push. I nod and Tyler kisses my cheek and I take his hands.
"Ok Ashley on three I want you to push with everything you have." I nod as I begin to push.
"I'm laying here since two hours now and I don't know how much it takes that she is here.
"Come on Ashley one push and your baby will be here."
"I can't I'm two tired."
"Baby come on one big push and then our princess will be here." I nod and push until I hear my baby girl cry. I fall back into the pillow as Tyler kisses me.
"You did it now our baby girl is here. I'm so proud of you and I love you."
"Thanks I love you too."
This story will come to an end soon. My next story will probatly be a Treegan story.

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