First birthday

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Today is the Birthday of our boy Jordan. I still can remember when he was born. Today he is one year old and grows up too fast.
"Morning Ty."
"Morning bae."
"I'm going and get Jordan. I will be right back." I kiss him and walk into Jordan's room. He stands in his bed with his hands towarwards me. I take him in my arms and he smiles.
"Morning birthday boy. Your ready to go see Daddy?" He claps with his hands and so I take him in our bedroom.
"Hi birthday boy. Todays your birthday. Your one year old." I give him to Tyler and walk downstairs to make breakfast. In the afternoon the cast and my family will be coming.
All of our guests left but the party was amazing. Jordan had so much fun and he got lots of toys. Tyler told me that he has a suprise for me tomorrow so Shay will watch Jordan.

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