Prologue/Chapter 1

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I walked into an alley, hoping no one was following. I went behind a dumpster, hiding from a kid and his butler. I painfully shifted into my cat form and gasped as a hand picked me up.

"There, there," said the butler. I struggled in his grasp, afraid he saw me shift forms. The kid stood behind him. I noticed he had an eye-patch over his right eye. I wonder what could have caused that...

"Sebastian, we don't have time for this. Put the cat down."

"Yes,my lord." Sebastian frowned, and put me down.

Geez. What's that boys problem?',I thought to myself. Sebastian frowned and looked at me. He then looked at the little boy.

"Master. I believe this is the girl or should I say neko we are looking for."

"Very well round her up."

"Yes, my lord"

Chapter 1

Sebastian walked towards me and when he reached for me, I hissed. "Listen girl, my master wishes to speak to you, so that's what your going to do.",he said reaching for me again. I hissed once more. "We can do this the easy way or the..."

" Sebastian!" Ciel growled. "Quit speaking to the cat. This is an order! Show no mercy,bring her to the manor and do whatever it takes to get the information of her life, and report it to me!" Ciel yelled ripping off his eye patch.

Impossible. That butler was a demon. A crow demon.

Sebastian bowed. "Yes, my lord."

~ black out ~

I woke up with a headache. I was now in my human form and in total darkness.

I sat up quickly. I placed my hand on the wall, looking for a light switch. Instead I found two hands. I backed up and hit the wall as the lights turned on. The butler from earlier stood in front of me.

"What's your name?", he asked playing with my pink hair. I pulled it away and hissed at him. "Bad kitty." he said. He took my wrists, and dragged me over to the bed pinning me to the bed. He nuzzled my neck which made me meow. I blushed a little. "Your so cute he said laughing. I struggled again but, failed. "I'll let you go now.", he said letting go of me. I stood up.

" I'm Clare Castaway." I said.

"Sorry for being a little weird, my lady. Its just that I love cats. Would you just like, you know... "

"Sure." I popped out my tail and ears and sat on the bed. He rubbed behind my ears making me purr. I laid down on my stomach stretching my arms out and purring. Sebastian pulled my tail making me hiss. "Ow, Sebastian!", I giggled. He pulled me in his lap. I looked up at him. "Where a that little boy?"

"My young master is busy doing paperwork right now." I slapped him in the face with my tail multiple times until he caught it between his hands. I turned to my full cat form and Sebastian picked me up. "We have plenty of time to play around until young master calls for us." I meowed in agreement.

Black Butler Neko Story (In editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant