Chapter 22: I Will Personally Throw You In Hell!

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I'll kill eveyone here!

"No Alex, not them." I motioned towards Ciel and my master.


I realized I had spoken outloud. Everyone gave me weird looks.

"You won't kill me, Raven. You won't unless you don't want to find your brother."

I growled. "Where is he?"

"Alive." he said adjusting his tie.

My eyes went cold and my whole body started shaking. "What did you do to him?" I said in a really deep voice.

"Raven, calm down." he said looking..nervous?

"The names Clare, and I'm gonna kill everyone of you demons except you."

The wind started to pick up and I felt something in me rise. I didn't let it out, because I knew it was dangerous.

"This is intresting..." Hannah said. "You seem to be controling these winds."

I glared at her. "I'm gonna kill your brother." Claude said looking directly in my eyes. He seemed to be doing it on purpose.

"Sebastian what are you doing?" I heard Ciel ask behind me.

"She can't be the last one. Impossible." he mumbled. "Alois join the circle. You too, young master.

I looked around at everyone. Everyone I know stood around me. Well except for the other servants at the Phantomhive estate.

They formed a perfect circle around me. "What are you doing Sebastian?"

He gave me sympthetic look. "Cla- Raven. We are gonna try something. Whatever your fighting inside, let it go."

I nodded.  I believe he wants you to let me out.

No. Alex, this is something else. There's something else within me that's wants to be free. I felt it when I was mad earlier.

Should we make you mad then?

Sebastian! Get out of my mind!

Sebastian looked at everyone around the circle. "We need to make her mad. She needs to be at the most emotional state for it to break."

"We need to make a compromise." Alois said. "If she's what we think she is, we need to protect her."

"I agree." Ciel said. Sebastian looked at Claude. Claude nodded and looked at Hannah. Hannah nodded and it went all the way around the circle.

Alex, what do we do?

We fight the beast.

That beast is you... nevermind.

"Raven." I looked at the triplets. "You've always been a barbie. So fake and worthless... What a shame. With a body like yours you could earn a lot of money." They each took turns saying what they thought.

I growled. Remember they're messing with us.

Thank you captian obvious.

I never loved you...


"You're pretty annoying Raven. I wonder what your brother would think of you. You'd probably embarass him."  Claude said.

  "What kind of sister are you to leave him in the first place?" Ciel shouted.

Ow. That one hurt. Tears brimmed my eyes, but I held them back. I will not cry.  "You can't hurt me I said walking in a circle looking at everyone of them. "I'm strong enough to protect myself."

Clare, or should I say Raven? Sebastian said in my mind.

Back off of her. Alex growled. Don't listen Raven. Alex soothed me.

Who's this? Oh well, doesn't matter.

I clutched my head. "GET. OUT. OFF. MY. HEAD!" I yelled.

You've always been a tool. Sebastian said.

I stood frozen in place. A tool? Is that what I am to him?

Yes. Your just a puppet. Your soal is mine. I bet your brothers soal is just as good.

I turned and glared at him. "You wouldn't dare." My voice was laced with so much venoum, I shocked myself.

He regained his posture and put on a sick smile. "Oh yes I would. I would devour his soal as quick as yours. That's all I ever wanted from you Raven." I shivered when he said my name. It still sounds weird in my mind. "Your just a tool."

My blood boiled. "If you so much as lay a hand on my brother, I will personally throw you in hell!" I said as low as possible.

"Well I've got that covered." Claude said.

I looked at him and my emotions wavered from anger and sadness. "W-what do you mean?" I said nervously.

He broke the circle and stepped towards me.  "You know , you and your brother look nothing alike." He picked up a strand of my hair and I felt the warmth of his chest against my back.

  "Faustus, what are you doing?" Sebastian said stepping forward.

He's the one to be talking! He's the one who used us!

I growled and looked at Sebastian. "Why the hell would you care? Your the one who used me!" I looked down finding my feet intresting. Why didn't I have my shoes? "I thought when you said you loved me you were speaking from your heart." I looked up and stared into his eyes. "I should've known that it was a lie. A demon such as you, has a heart of ice and to actually think I was falling for you." I looked at the sky.

The clouds were darkening as I grew sader. I looked back at Sebastian. For a moment I thought that he would say it was true that he loved me and wanted to hold me, but that moment vanished with his next words.

"I lied." He didn't look affected by his words.

I felt tears slowly fall down my cheeks.

"Then I'm sorry I ever met you."

The feeling of something so bright, but yet so dark, rose in me. I didn't fight it. I felt myself getting hotter and hotter then I felt a cool liquid wrap around me. For a minute I thought I felt the trees calling me and the wind wrap around me, pulling me upwards as I closed my eyes.


Well I don't really like this chapter, but this book is coming to an end. I need you guys to tell me whether or not you want a book 2. If so I need help with a name.

What happened to Raven?

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