Chapter 12 - Wishes

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I stand in my living room and can't believe what I'm hearing. Why the hell is Kevin here?

I walk slowly as if I'm dreaming, or having a nightmare. Kevin is standing next to Brett by the door, wearing white athletic clothes.

"Hey! There you are!" he says, flashing his golden teeth at me.

"What are you doing here?" I say, feeling horrified.

"We were all at that boring dinner at your sister. What a stupid and complicated way to tell everybody that my brother knocked her up again," he says, waving his hand as if it is not important.

"Evy is pregnant?" I say surprised.

"Yeah, she is and her hormones are all over the place. When she figured out that she forgot your birthday, she started crying. It was hysterical," he says laughing.

So... the witch has feelings after all.

"You haven't answered my question. What are you doing here?" I say, losing my patience.

"Well, they said that you were lonely on your birthday. So I decided to keep you company. Why don't you ditch these losers and have a party with me?" he says, trying to put his hand on my waist.

"Don't touch her," Brett says in a firm voice.

"Fuck off loser," Kevin says, coming closer.

"Don't touch her!" Brett repeats.

"What is going on?" says Carlos, walking towards us.

"Whoa Callie! Are you still hanging with the sissy model? Why don't I show you what a real man is?" he says, grabbing me hard by my waist and pulling me close to his body.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye. The next thing I know, Kevin is on the floor, covering his face and shouting a million profanities. Brett is shaking his hand from the pain. And there is a young delivery guy standing by the door with a very scared face.

Carlos grabs Kevin by the collar of his sports jacket and make him stand. A purple splotch starts to form on his eye and blood is coming out of a cut in his eyebrow.

"Get the fuck out of here, unless you want me to make your other eye match," he says. "Callie, please get some ice for Brett. I will take care of the food,"

Kevin stumbles out of my house and towards his car. I feel shocked at what just happened. I put my hand on Brett's arm and he follows me to the kitchen. I get some ice on a kitchen towel and place it on Brett's bruised knuckles. He has taken off a ring that is resting on the counter... a university graduation ring.

"Who is that douche?" he says, taking my attention away from the ring.

"My sister's brother in law. Before you think anything, this is the third time that I have seen him in my life. The other two were at my sister's wedding five years ago and last Thanksgiving. I haven't led him on and in fact, I find him disgusting,"

"Who does he think he is to come here and handle you like that? Imagine if you were alone! Callie that would have been dangerous," he says, moving his arms wildly.

My heart is still racing from the scary event, but I find his concern quite charming.

"Between the black eye you just gave him and Carlos threat, I don't think he will try anything anytime soon,"

"How is the hand?" Carlos says, entering the kitchen.

"Sore, but I must admit that it felt good. He deserves more than a punch in the face," Brett says.

"I agree. He is a pain in the ass. We are kind of new in town and Callie's family had us over for Thanksgiving. He was rude to everybody. I felt like punching him a few times, but that was going to ruin the holiday for everybody,"

The guys bond over his mutual dislike of Kevin and I head to the living room.

"Oh dear! Are you okay?" Filipa says, giving me a hug.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Is good to know that I have good friends willing to protect me," I say, looking towards the kitchen.

"Brett is a gentleman, a bit rough on the edges at times, but he has been raised right," Fred says.

"I have to say that the guy should count himself lucky that it was Brett and not Carlos who punched him. My brother is a quiet man, but I saw him once in a fight and the other guy never dared to bully him again after Carlos fractured his nose," Laura says.

"Well, this is a birthday to remember. Thank you all for being here at such a short notice,"

"I didn't know it was your birthday. Why didn't you say anything at work?" Filipa says.

"I'm not fond of my birthdays. They have never been pleasant,"

"That is going to change. We have a bounty of food waiting for us and a chocolate cake. Callie will have the best birthday ever," says Brett joining us and winking at me.

We share the food delivered and have good laughs talking about our lives and past birthdays. It is sad and at the same comforting that I'm not the only one with a history of rotten birthdays.

Brett brings the chocolate cake and lights a candle. My friends sing the birthday song for me and I find myself feeling happier than I have in a long time.

"Make a wish Callie," Filipa says while clapping a bit.

What to wish? I know! I look at everybody around the cake, then close my eyes and concentrate on my wish. I open them and blow the candle.

"What did you wish for?" Laura asks.

"Can't say. Otherwise, it won't come true,"

The cake is served and we sit around the living room to indulge while having some coffee.

Brett sits next to me and I glance at him from time to time. He is a really good guy, talks with everybody and makes them feel comfortable. He tells good jokes and laughs heartily. When he smiles his dimples show. He smells really nice as well.

"Are you having fun?" he says, while cleaning a bit of glaze from my chin with a napkin.

"Best birthday ever," I say and blush deeply.

Brett caresses my cheek with his thumb, then goes back to the conversation. Even if one of my wishes doesn't come true, I feel grateful to him for this day.

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