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"Ugh! I'm so sick of you Dennis!" Oh that boy gets me so angry I could spit.

"Your just over exaggerating." I pushed his feet off the table and hit him with my dish rag.

"Over exaggerating? I'm over exaggerating? Dennis I'm not the one who paid $35 for a damn dog; When we have a $95 rent due tomorrow?"

"Relax. I get paid first thing in the morning."

"How can I relax when my grown ass brother keeps making childish decisions. I didn't raise you to be this way."

"Oh hush with all that fussin and look how cute he his." I looked down at the fluffy little mutt and couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Please let me keep him DD. I'll pay for all his needs." I shook my head and finished washing the dishes.

"Fine. But! Your responsible for his everything. That includes, food, a spot to sleep, a collar, a leash, hygiene things, vet appointments, and everything else it might need. now get out so I can finish these damn dishes."

"Yes! C'mon boy. I'm gone call you New York."

I shook my head and put the last cup in the drying rack. I walked twenty steps to get into the living room where I hoped to God this iron was hot.

I hovered my hands over the metal an felt it was hot enough. I sprayed the pants down with a bottle full of vinger and starch to keep his clothes wrinkle free. I ironed the leg of Mr. Barns' pants neatly to make a perfect crease.

I looked behind me out the window to see Dennis and that dog rolling around in the front yard. What am I gonna do with that boy?

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