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"Goodnight everyone." I said walkin out the house. I'm tired as hell. Bein away from work has taken a toll on me. I'm not used to beingoff work like that. I don't neva' take off unless its fa a birthday, a holiday, one of the boys is sick, or if I'm on my death bed, and that's it.

Mrs. Barns tended ta Victoria all day since I refuse ta see ha, which Mrs. Barns understood with no debate 'bout it. If or when I see that bitch again I'd beat her ass dead like she did Norma. I still cain't believe Victoria get ta live a full life while someone is dead by her hand... It's just not fair. I shook my head from my thoughts and walked up the street ta the bus stop. I made sure ta keep a watchful eye since I'm out here by myself. Annie has decided ta take leave from work since she woke up this mornin havin contractions. She's hopin ha wata' breaks soon, I do too. It feels like she been pregnant fa years.

I looked up and down the street fa the bus but I don't see no sign of it. I hope I didn't get off to late cause i don't wanna spend the night at the barns house till mornin. Cause that'll mean Mrs. Barns is gonna work me like a slave till mornin comes.

"Need a ride?" I turned around and a nice car pulled up next ta me. "No, the bus should be here any minute now. Thank you though." He got out the car and stood next ta me. I got a good at him provided by the moon light ta see it was Leo's ass. "Then I guess I'll stand with you." He put his arm around me.

"Oh hell. You know damn good and well I'm married. Why you think it's okay ta touch me like that?" I moved away. "Cmon now. James isn't here, it's just us." He tried to grab me but I hit em wit'ma purse. "You get away from me with that bullshit." I backed away quickly. "Just let me kiss you. Let me treat you better than that husband of yours can." He yanked me ta'em and kissed my lips. I kneed him hopin I hit the right spot. He let me go and held himself.

I took off runnin as fast as I could in these damn heels. "Get back here!" I looked back and saw him runnin along wit me. I ran down a alley and took my shoes off and dropped my purse. "Stop running from me!" I heard him yell. I started running again, turnin every corna' possible


I looked out the window and watched the bus stop. Denise should've been home thirty minutes ago. The bus hasn't came yet and I'm getting worried. "Let's get boy." New York got down from the couch and I picked him up. I grabbed my keys from the kitchen table and went out to my car.

Third person

"Be still!" He pinned Denise's arms down and she spit in his face as her only defence. He was sitting on her legs with all his weight so she couldn't knee him again. "Let me go! Let me go!" She tried her best to move around but he had the upp her and head butted her. She stopped moving around and he wiped her spit from his forehead.

Denise's vision doubled with a shooting pain running through her head. Leo let her wrist go to undo his belt. "Now you be a good girl and let daddy take care of you." He pulled his dress pants down along with his underwear. She laid there in horrible pain as it had felt if someone hit her between the eyes with a hammer. Leo pulled her dress up and smiled at the sight of her bronze thighs. He grabbed the waist band of underwear and ripped them roughly from her body.

Denise had ran into a dead end with no sign of escape. Leo saw his moment to strike and did. He lunged for her but she put up a fight. Even though she had got him good a few swift punches he was about sixty pounds heavier than she and a lot stronger. In the fight he manged to pick her up and slam her on her back with a snapping sound. 

Leo clenched her torn underwear in his fist and sniffed them. "You smell so good baby." He stuffed them in his pocket and pushed her legs from under him up to her chest. Denise couldn't think straight. A ringing in her ears muffled everything that was going on. She couldn't even remember what was happening. Leo brutally slammed into her with his head tossed back and a wide spread grin on his face. Denise felt like something was happening but the pain in her head was greater than anything.


James drove to the bus stop where Denise waited to go home. It was also several feet from where Leo was raping her. "Where's is she?" The bus pulled up to the stop and waited a few seconds before taking off since no one was there. He started getting worried. "Maybe she's still at work." He drove down the street to the Barns residence and parked in the driveway. James picked up New York and got out the car stepping in the bright green grass. It was against the rules for blacks to walk in the front of their house or walk on the side walk in front of her home. They were Mrs. Barns' rules of course but James didn't give a damn about that. He knocked on the door hard until someone answered.

"It's almost eleven at night! Who is banging on my door?! Norman!" James heard Mrs. Barns shouting from the other side. Norman openned the door revealing James and Mrs. Barns got angry. "I told you to never come here again!" She was still upset about when James dunked Victoria in the pool many moons so. "Oh shut up." He said pushing his way in. She put her hands over her heart. "Why are you here?! Denise has been gone for an hour!" James straightened up. "That's what I came to talk about. I dont want to be here as much as you dont want me too but Nisey hasn't came home yet. I drove around to see if she was still waiting for the bus but when i came here the bus was pulling up and no one was there."

Mrs. Barns was shocked. "You think something happened to her?" James didn't want to think about that. "I'm not jumping to conclusions but you know it's common in this town for woman to you know, get taken." It was true woman were taken off the street and brought down south never to return home. No one knew what happens to them after that but that's as far as people know. James put New York down and thought about where she could be.

"My Denise is missing?" Mr. Barns came into view. "Honey you should be in bed." Mrs. Barns came to his side as he slowly walked to James with his cane. "Oh hush. I came out my room to stretch my legs and I hear that Denise is missing?" He looked at James over his glasses. "Have you called the police?"

"No sir. That would be silly. Unlike you if I phoned the police they'd laugh and hang up." James put his hands on his pockets to keep from patting his leg. It was a nervous tick that made people look at him funny, it calmed him down when he was in a stressful situation. But he had no time for anyone to ask him questions about it. "What if I were to call?" Mr. Barns said. "No offense sir. But if you call them about a missing black woman how fast do you think they would come?" Mr. Barns thought. "Well i don't know,  minutes i assume." James laughed at his ignorance. "You'd assume that but it would be days maybe weeks before they showed up to your door step. My wife is nowhere to be found and there's no one to help. I just stopped by to see if she was here and if she's not I'll go out and keep looking. Thank you for your time. Come on boy." Norman opened the door for them again and James and the dog went back to the car.

"Wait!" Mr. Barns said as James opened the drivers side door letting New York jump in. "I'm coming too. Norman get my coat!" Mrs. Barns stood behind him. "No you're not. You're not well and you're in pajamas and house slippers. You're gonna catch a cold." Mr. Barns shooed her away and slowly went down the front steps. James closed the door and helped Mr. Barns down to the car. Norman rushed out the house and laid the coat on Mr. Barns shoulders and ran off the front yard remembering Mrs. Barns rules.

"Thank you." Mr. Barns said as James helped him in. "Bring him back in one piece!" His wife shouted from the house. "I will!" James claimed back. He got in the car and closed the door. "Where should we look first?" James asked. "Any place that's familiar." He nodded and drove off towards the apartment to see if maybe she had made it home.


As Denise faded in and out of sleep she could've sworn she heard James' voice. It must've of been in her head she thought. Leo wiped the sweat from his brow and kissed on her lips as he climbed on top of her with his pants around his knees. Denise tried to push him off of her as pressure on her chest made it hard for her to breath. A slow tear crept down her cheek as her air ways constricted.

"Tough ol Denise ain't so tough no more is she?" He grabbed her throat with his callused hands and gave it a squeeze. She weakly scratched his hands trying to stop him. He squeezed and squeezed and let it go when her face started to turn bright red. She gasped for air but he still was on top of her. Even more so now she wished there were bullets in that gun Dennis pulled on her. She gave up fighting and laid there in pain. Her head was feeling like she had laid a ton of bricks on top of it. She closed her eyes and let herself pass out unable to bear the fight.


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