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"I did what he asked me too but I had been thinking of a way to get out the whole time. Leo sat there with the gun pointed to me watching my every move. I couldn't think of nothing. If I tried to come at him for the gun he'd most likely shoot me. So I kept on putting the parts in the bags until everything was in. I noticed there was a finger missing on the left hands.

The ring finger.

Mrs. Phillips had this giant rock on her hand that could feed a small country if she wanted to. Leo always said he'd take it but I didn't think he was serious.

When I finished putting everything in the bags he told me to put them in the safe and close it.

"Leo... I dont know what you want from me." I said looking at him. "I want you to stop eyeing my woman." Then it hit me. "You dragged me into this because of Denise?" He stood up and checked the chamber of his gun. "Of course. And for a second I thought about chopping you up like those two, but I like you James. But I wouldn't do you like that. You're like a brother to me. But I know you and Denise got a thing going on. I see you kissing her goodnight when you walk her home. I see her bring you lunch everyday at twelve. I see the way she looks at you. For someone who's trynna be sneaky you terribly horrible at it." He pulled something out his back pocket. "Which that being said... You gone leave her alone and Denise and I gone run away and get married."

"And why would I do that?" He held the paper up so I could see it. "This is a draft ticket. I was chosen to serve this country but I'm not going." He came to me and stuffed it in my hand. "You gonna take my place." I was getting more angry by the second but I knew better than to do something about it. "I'm not going." He laughed. "Oh yes you are. I got somebody who's gonna make sure you make it on the bus come this Sunday." He back up to the door and opened it. "You get gone. You tell anybody bout what you saw here and I'll kill you, and blame you for the murders. I'll just make it look like you did it and all I'll have to say is I had to kill you to make it out alive. I can see it now. Your corpse all on the front page of the paper, still as stone, since I killed you in self defense."

"You're the damn devil."

"That I may be but you gone keep quite ain't ya?" He asked me putting the gun to my head. "I asked you a question?"

"Y-yeah I am."

He let me go after that and I ran back home and tossed those pajamas in the fireplace and boiled myself in the shower. I sat up for hours scared that Leo would come to the house and kill me for some reason. I eventually passed out but was woken up by a knock at the door. Denise was standing there looking beautiful as always.

"Put some shoes on, come wit me." I did as told since I trusted her and she frequently picked me up like this and took me on random adventures with her. I slipped on my shoes and got in the car with her. 

She drove the familiar route, the same way I get to work. We pulled up to a busy street, people flooded the area, police were all around the house and I was in a secret panic. We couldn't even get down there since people were blocking the way, which I'm glad for.

"What's going on?" I'm hoping she's not going to say they found the bodies.

"One of the maids couldn't get in the house to work this morning, but the door wasn't open luckily they kept a spare in the bushes. The maid came in and the house was dead silent and a note was on the kitchen table. Apparently the Philips ran away and took all their money with them. I don't believe it but people are convinced.

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