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"James! James!" Denise shouted as Leo carried her over his shoulder. "He can't help you now." He tossed her in the backseat and slammed the door shut. Denise opened the other door and tried to get out the car. "Are crazy? Get your ass back in there!" He pushed her back in and tightened the rope around her wrists. "James! Help me!"


"Did you hear that?" James asked standing up from the couch. "It sounded like Denise." Roy said perking up. James ran to the window and saw Leo's car. "She's outside!" He ran out of the apartment and nearly flew down the steps. He ran out the building into the pouring rain running to the car. Leo looked out the back window to see James coming, he started the car quickly without closing his door. Densie banged on the back window screaming for help. The heavy rained blurred her sight of who was running towards the car. She didn't care who it was as long as someone helped her.

James was in arms reach when Leo put the car in reverse and slammed into him. James fell backwards in the street holding his arm in pain. 

"Help me!" Denise screamed watching the figure fade as the car sped away. "Please help me." Leo looked over his shoulder quickly and swung his arm backwards blindly connecting his fist to the back of her head. "You're mine now. James doesn't exist anymore."

Denise held her ear in pain crying hysterically. Leo looked at her through the mirror becoming irritated by her cries. "Shut up dammit!" Leo screamed. "Shut the fuck up! You keep crying like that I'll do more than bust you in the head." He sped up some more trying to get out of town the fastest he could.


James sat in the street looking at the spot where the car once was. Roy ran up the side walk and came to his side. "James? You okay?" If the rain wasn't pouring, tears would've drenched his face.

"He took her. She was in the building this whole time. He was here the whole time. I-I could've saved her. She was right there. She was right here. She was calling my name." Roy noticed a large piece of glass stuck in his arm. He tried to pull him up to get him out the rain to get him help.

"James we'll get her back after we get you fixed up." Roy said trying to pull him up. People from the building stood in the door ways, fire escapes, and windows looking at the scene. "Don't just stand there he's hurt!" A few men from the building ran out and helped Roy get James out the rain and into the building. Mrs. Johnson opened her apartment door and quickly cleared the kitchen table since she lived closest to the front door.

The group of men put James down gently on the table. Roy started to panic as red started to stain James blue shirt. "He hit you hard man." Roy joked nervously. "Shit, you telling me?" James laughed in pain. "We have to call the police!" Mr. Terry his neighbor said looking at James' arm.

"We live in Dark Water apartments. Do you think them white boys is gonna fly over here? Besides that rain is flooding the damn streets, do you think anyone will cone out in that?" Mrs. Johnson said putting out her cigarette.

Annie came down the stairs as quickly as she could with the baby slowing her down. She made her way through the room and came to James side. "Did you see her?" She asked him with red eyes. She hadn't been right since James told her someone took Denise away. "For a second. Leo has her. He tossed her in the back of the car and I was so close to her, then he hit me with that car of his and drove off." James didn't want to cry with all these people in the room but he couldn't help himself.

"As soon as this rain clears up we'll look for them. But first we have to get you fixed up. You're cut pretty deep." Roy said holding his hand in support. "But none of are doctors." Annie said looking around the room. "I'm a nurse." Mrs. Terry said moving gently through the room. "I work as a surgical assistant in a hospital out side of town. I just got off work actually." She said pointing to her white hospital scrubs. "What do you need us to do?" Mrs. Johnson asked getting worried as blood started to drip to the floor.

"I need for all of you to back out the room. Mr. And Mrs. Johnson you can stay. But I'll need someone to help me."

"I will." Roy said. The sight of blood made him nauseous but for James he'd fight through it.

"Okay everyone out." Mr. Johnson said pushing the crowd out to the hall. "Mrs. Johnson I'll need some towels and a pair of scissors for now." She rushed out the room to get what was asked.

Mr. Johnson closed the door and stood in the kitchen. "Here you go." She handed Roy the objects requested and stood next to her husband. "Hand me the scissors." Roy handed them to her. "This may be uncomfortable sweety but bare with me." James nodded. She cut his down the middle of his shirt and untucked it from his pants. She made another cut down the sleeve where the blood looked to be coming from. "You're bleeding a lot.  If you feel sleepy or like you're about to pass out, don't. Let us know so we can keep you awake, okay?"

"Yeah." James said through his teeth in pain.


"Leo what you want from me?" Demise asked sitting in the backseat trying to keep herself warm. Being drenched from the rain wasn't helping her case at all. "Don't ask me shit. You just keep pretty and I won't hurt ya." He drove quickly through the deep puddles in the road making water spray against the windows. "Leo please don't do this. You got what you wanted from me didn't you?" He gripped the steering wheel. "I thought I told you not to ask me shit."

Denise wasn't scared of to many things but Leo definitely made his mark on the list. "Just answer me. You can at least give me that. I don't know how many times you've taken advantage of me or why you did it... But I want answers Leo! Answers dammit! Answers!" She shouted loudly. "You got me naked in the back of your car, tied up, so you better answer me."

"Or what? You gone kill me Mrs. Montclair? You gone get your big and bad husband on me suga? He's probably laid in the streets so banged he can't walk. He's always been weak. He couldn't even look at a little blood without gagging. Your husbands a real bitch and I'm taken what rightfully belongs to me."


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