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James checked their apartment, all their usual hang out spots, and still there was no Denise. It was pouring outside and his car was was running on fumes. He sat in the Barns living room with a lost expression on his face. Mr. Barns sat across from him thinking of where they could look next, but a question pecked at his mind.

"Denise mentioned to me that you got into an argument with Leo." James looked up at him. "Have you added him to a list of possibilities?" James jaw clenched and his leg started to shake. "That's not something i want to think about it."

Mr. Barns sat up in his chair. "Well think about it, you have no choice. I remember him when you and Leo worked across the street. I could tell he liked Denise. I remember one day he came over here knocking on my door asking if he knew her address. I knew she lived down the street at Ethel's house but I told him I had no clue. And after that he kept asking till finally I gave him the adress but that was only after I she had told me she had moved to some apartment with her brother. I never said anything about it before but I wish I had now."

James patted his thigh a few times before getting up and looking out the window that looked out into the large backyard. "He did like her and I knew it." He said lowly. "He used to talk about her all the time when we worked together. Anything could make him spark up a conversation about Denise. He'd start talking about the color brown just to mention how beautiful her eyes are. I didnt tell him that I liked her myself since I thought it wasn't his business. And I knew if he found out about her and I he'd be mad. I remember one time It was her birthday and I remembered that she liked daisy. So I drove all the way out of town to get her some from this flower shop that had them in large amounts. I was running late to get to work after I got them and left them on her porch with a note. Leo saw me put them there and didnt speak to me for the rest of the day. When I walked her home after work she had the flowers and was smiling and all that good stuff. But she kept talking about how much she loved the flowers that Leo gave her. I told her I got her those but she thought I was being funny and didn't believe me. Leo had signed his name on the note I left in the flowers. I was so busy rushing that I forgot to put who the flowers were from. I should've known he was up to no good then."

James turned around and leaned in the window seal. "He's always liked her. And then he did something that I should've told someone about."

Mr. Barns sat on the edge of his seat. "What did he do?" James sat down and thought about if he should tell him. He knew Mr. Barns should know since it would effect him. It would effect everyone. James played with his wedding ring thinking about how mad Denise would be if she knew he told someone before her but what did he have to lose?

"The Philips, You're former neighbors. They didn't just pass away in their sleep or by some freak accident that they passed at the same time." Mr. Barns rested his hands on his knees. "What do you mean son?" James patted his leg. "I know what really happened?"


"Mr and Mrs Philips always sat outside and watched us do the yard. So naturally they made a lot of conversation around us not thinking we was listening. They were old and so they talked about planning for the future a lot. One day they were talking about what they were gonna do with all their money. Mr. Philips made a plan for putting part of their money in their sons account, and then the another part in the grandchildrens savings. They were just having innocent conversation between husband and wife." I sat back down.

"After hearing that, Leo start talking real crazy. He wanted to rob them good people. They had done nothing to us. They let us work for them and paid us good. I saw no problem with those two. But Leo on the other hand...

He walked home with me and was going over this idea that he had for getting the money...


"We could just run in there and take it in the night. But they'll suspect it's us-- Or! We can kill em in their sleep and stuff em in the safe after we get the money. No one can open it since no one can open the safe except for the mister and misses and then we can go father up north. Where no one would find us."

I sped up my walk.

"Leo that's talk for crazy people. You scaring me man."

He stopped walking.

"Cmon Jamie. You tired of sleeping from couch to couch and I'm tired of being broke. Im sure Denise wouldn't wanna marry a man with no money."

"Im sure wouldnt wanna marry a murder either." I said to myself I thought.

"A murder? Ha! I'm a 20th century Robin Hood. Except I'm putting their money in my pocket and sharing it with you and my lady."

He smiled like he had won prize pig at the fair.

"Your lady?" I said with a laugh.

"Yeah my lady. Denise and I have been hanging out for some time and I'm thinking about making her mine."

"Psht. Yeah right." He was making me mad. "Last I heard she was dating some education negro." I was really talking about myself.

"Who?! Who is he?!" Leo grabbed my arms and looked at me with rage. It was like he had flipped a switch and he had turned into this crazed animal with just a few joking words.

"I-I-I-I don't know. It's just rumors I guess." His shoulders relaxed and his face became blank. He let my arms down and drusted my shirt off.

"Sorry about that. I just got a little upset there." I backed away into the street.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow Leo. I gotta go." I ran home after that. He had scared me half to death and I didn't realize he was serious till the middle of that night....


Sorry for any mistakes.

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