Cuddles, Comfort, and Colors

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And now for the third part in this series. (The names of the first two parts can be found in the stories description)

Maks and Peta had gotten home from Australia the night before and they had decided to take the next day or so to settle and get themselves back on LA time and their lives there. Peta was curled up on the swing reading when Maks came to find her.

"Hey, I was going to go to the gym for a work out. You okay til I get back?" He said as he came to stand beside her.

"Yeah, you enjoy that. I'm just going to stay here and read okay?" She said as smiled at him softly.

"Enjoy pretty girl. I'll be back in an hour or so." He said bending down to kiss her. They exchanged I love yous and Maks headed out. Peta stayed curled up on the swing for awhile enjoying her new book but then eventually the silence began to get to her. And her mind starting spinning on missing her parents and Australia. Before she knew it she was nearly in tears and a miserable grumpy mess. She curled up on the swing in a tight ball and sat there letting her head get the best of her.

"Hey, I'm back." Maks said poking his head out.

"Will you sit with me?" She said softly not looking at him.

"I was going to go shower since I'm kinda gross but then we can curl up."


"Hey, what's wrong?" He said finally realizing that she was borderline miserable.

"I don't know." She shrugged.

"Why don't you come up with me? I"ll shower quick, then we can curl up and do some tv or something? We'll just order in dinner tonight okay?" He said moving over to her and holding his hand out.

"Okay." She said nodding her head slightly as she took his hand and went with him into the house. He knew what was bothering her but other than being there for her he didn't really know how to fix it. She always had a hard couple of days when she came back and he knew their extended visit and the time together wasn't helping much either. He figured keeping her near him would help.

So he took her upstairs and showered quick before situating them on the couch in the tv room. He laid back on the couch and let her lay her body over his. Her ear and face pressing into his chest as her arms wrapped around him holding him tightly. He twisted their legs together and wrapped his arm around her holding her to him.

"Let's just do SNL." He said figuring the show may cheer her up and make her smile some. And it was easy to watch, you didn't have to focus on all the little details if you ddin't want to. She nodded her head and he started the show.

They made their way through the first episode they had saved and Maks started the next one when he felt her body start to shake lightly and his shirt under her face began to feel damp. He knew she was crying so he paused the show and wrapped his arms around her tight.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked pressing a kiss to her hair trying to soothe her some.

"I just...I don't know...well I do but it's stupid. I should be used to this." She said as she clung to him.

"It's not stupid pretty girl. It's your family. I get sad leaving mine and I see them more often than you. And I know your mum comes out and I talked to Sam about him and Lana coming to visit. But it's still not the same. I know that. That's still your home Ana you miss being there."

"I love being here too. I love my life here with you and everything else. I just hate that they are so far away." She picked her head up so she could look at him but still held tight to his body.

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