Halfway to Everywhere

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For Miss mayadance123 I hope this makes up for your nearly month long wait on this one! Thank you lady!

"Hey, you two ready for this adventure?" Maks asked as Sharna and Paul pulled into their driveway that following Wednesday evening.

"Hey, I'm glad for this adventure." Paul said shaking Maks's hand.

"Me too, where's P?" Sharna asked confused.

"Bathroom." Maks said smiling as he shifted their bags into the trunk.

"It's affecting her already?"

"The joys of twins....hey you two." Peta said appearing behind Sharna and wrapping her friend in a hug.

"You guys ready to hit the road?" Maks asked now that Peta was out.

"Yup!" Paul said moving to climb in the backseat as the girls split and got situated.

"So do we have a game plan?" Sharna asked as Maks pulled out of the driveway.

"Yeah, we have 8 different places we want to look at. They are all scattered within a few hours of here so we figured we'd do two a day and find somewhere to stay each night." Peta said as she looked at her list.

"And we know what we're looking for?" Paul asked as he slipped his fingers into Sharna's.

"This is all her." Maks said as his hand found Peta's as well as he pulled it up to his lips to give her a soft kiss, before resting them in his lap.

"You said you liked it too!" She huffed.

"I do, but it's you're dream pretty girl so you explain it." He winked at her.

"Goof. Okay but what I've always imagined is an outdoorsy wedding, kinda fairy tale like with lots of lights, trees, lanterns just that classical romantic feel." Peta said as she tried to explain what she wanted.

"So these places are all options right? And so our first goal is to find one that has the outdoor capability with the lighting like you want right?" Sharna asked.

"Basically yeah. They all offer some type of outdoor arrangements but some of them show the things I want but the notes say it's not really an option. Or it's an option for the ceremony but not the reception and I kinda envision that more for the reception rather that the ceremony." Peta explained.

"We also want to make sure wherever we choose can accommodate lodging for everyone. Now it won't be huge but you figure for the wedding party alone we need like 6 rooms plus families and so forth. I mean we're close enough to LA in all the locations that whoever lives here can drive if they choose but our families and like you guys we want to be able to stay if you want. So whether it's lodging at the venue or directly near that's a huge point for us."

"And another thing is we want to be able to bring our own cake. Which sounds weird but it's not permitted all the places."

"And we need the date to be open."

"And it just needs to have the right feel."

"Wow." Paul said as he watched the two go back and forth with the things they were looking for.

"We can do this." Sharna said as she smacked her boyfriend in the chest as she laughed.


"Have some faith sir!" She retorted.

"I wasn't doubting it! I was just enjoying them go back and forth without skipping a beat." Paul said defending himself.

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