I Promise

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Peta woke up the morning of the wedding, the same way she'd woken up for the last few weeks, needing to pee. She mentally groaned and rolled out of the bed and then remembered what the day was. It was her wedding day. Her wedding day to the love of her life. She had never been so excited and yet so nervous at the same time. She shook herself and headed to the bathroom. She did her business and headed back to the bed to wait for the others to wake up. She felt Ella and Joe begin moving around and smiled. She snuggled back under the covers and reached for her phone. She already had a text from Maks and she felt herself get giddy as she opened it up.

"Good morning pretty girl, I hope you slept good and are as excited about today as I am. Tonight I'll be able to call you Mrs. Chmerkovskiy officially and the thought makes me shiver in excitement. I love you sweetheart. Tell Ella and Joe, Papa said good morning. I'll talk to you soon. Xoxo." Peta felt tears well up in her eyes at his sweetness and took a moment before responding.

"Good morning handsome, I can't say I slept as well as when you're next to me but I did cuddle up with Shar. I can't wait to hear the words "You may now kiss the bride" because that will make all of this official. Even though you were stuck with me forever from the beginning, it's something else to know it's now officially forever. Ella and Joe say kick kick kick. Love you baby xoxo." She sighed in happiness and snuggled down into her pillow.

"You're already crying?" Sharna said sleepily as she flipped and looked at her friend.

"He's sweet. And I'm hormonal. Blame your niece and nephew." Peta giggled.

"Well, be ready to cry more. I have a surprise." Sharna said winking.

"Seriously?" Peta said looking at her friend who smiled in happiness. She got out of her bag and went over and pulled out a small long box.

"Here babe." Sharna said as she handed it to Peta.

"I can't believe him." Peta said as she opened the box. There was a note on top which she opened first.

"Pretty girl, I felt like today should be a day full of memories of us. So I wanted to find a way to do this for you. This gives me the oppurtunity to do this without being there with you and leaves room for us to add to it. Love you babe, always. xoxo Maks." The note read. She opened the box and found a charm bracelet with a single charm on it. It was a fire charm with a tiny note that said 'How we met.' She immediately knew it was to represent them meeting on Burn the Floor. Her eyes welled up with tears as she held the bracelet in her hand before passing it to Sharna to put on her wrist. She just looked at it for a moment.

"Text him." Sharna said as she wrapped her arm around her friend as she handed her her phone.
She snapped a picture of the bracelet on her wrist before sending him a text as well.

"You never cease to amaze me handsome. I love you, I love you, I love you. Thank you. xoxoxo" She said as she sent the text. Rumer and Nicole woke up around then and sat up to join the party.

"Did you two start without us?" Rumer teased.

"Nope, Shar was just helping Maks be Maks." Peta said holding her wrist out to show the girls. They all ooohed and ahhed over the bracelet before Sharna decided they needed to get a move on with the breakfast train. They ordered from the room service menu and all had a picnic on their beds before they got ready to head over to the salon that would be doing them up for the day. Sharna snuck Maks's next present into Peta's hands before they pulled out from the hotel. It was a charm of NYC with a note that said, the city that pulled us together. She shook her head in happiness and added the charm to the bracelet. They pulled into the salon and all got out. Alayna and her mother were there to meet them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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