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"We still have to announce our engagement." Peta said as her body shook lightly from her nerves.

"We do. I figured you'd want to get this sorted first though." He said as he shifted his body and wrapped his arm around her.

"I do. Plus everyone is going to wonder why we are doing this so quickly. So once we have some answers we'll be able to explain depending on what we find out."

"Right, cause we're going to tell our friends even if it's early right? And our parents. And just not let it out further than that until you're through the first 3 months right?"

"Right. You're still okay with that right? I mean we didn't really discuss it other than me telling you that it was the way it should be."

"I'm fine with that pretty girl." He pressed a kiss to the side of her head trying to settle her.

"Okay. Sorry I'm a ball of nerves." She said sheepishly as she realized that her body was still shaking.

"It's alright. I get it. I'm nervous too. I'll be happy to hear it confirmed and that everything is okay and you and the little one are safe and healthy."

"Me too."

"Peta Murgatroyd..." The nurse called and the two stood up. They had relatively quickly been able to get into a highly recommended OBGYN so that's where they were today. Maks took her hand and let her lead them behind the nurse.

"Hello, my name is Brynn, I'm going to do all of your preliminary testing and then Dr. Salts will be in to speak with you afterward okay? You're here for your first prenatal visit correct and confirmation?"

"Yes, we've taken a number of pregnancy tests and based off my last period, I should be about 6-8 weeks. We found out when we were visiting my family in Australia and I wanted to stick with one doctor rather than bounce between them."

"Makes sense and we probably couldn't have done as much then other than confirm the pregnancy. We can accomplish much more at this visit."


"Okay, so we're going to be doing a complete physical, a work up of both of your genetic histories, a pap smear, some blood tests, discussing some genetic testing that's an option to you, and I believe Dr. Salts has decided that she is going to go and do your first ultrasound today as long as you're as far along as we believe. She'll be able to tell that from your numbers in your blood work. I'm going to give you this, go ahead and get changed. Then I'll be back to do all the regular tests and to take your blood samples." Brynn said handing Peta a gown.

"Ohhkay." Peta stuttered out.

"I know it's a lot. I'm sorry. They all won't be like this. We'll always take blood and do the regular tests but the talking and everything won't be as overwhelming." She said smiling before she left the couple in the room.

"Breath pretty girl." Maks said as he rested his hands on her shoulders pulling her back into his body.

"I'm trying." She said weakly. She reached up and squeezed his hand before pulling away so she could change. He took her clothes from her as she got the gown on and folded them before moving next to her. Brynn entered the room then and did Peta's height, weight, and blood pressure before getting her situated on the table.

"Now your blood pressure is a little high but that's obviously pretty normal with all we've thrown at you. We'll check it again at the end just to be sure that it's not a common occurrence. I'm going to take your blood sample now." She said as she began to prepare the needle, tubes, and everything else she'd need. Peta looked at Maks nervously. She had always hated needles.

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