Bringing It All Together

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"Maksssss...." Peta called out in a half singsong voice and a half I need you voice. She was sitting on the couch while he was doing something in the office.

"Yes......" He said as he appeared in the living room.

"Are you almost done?" She said grinning at him.

"Almost, what's up pretty girl?" He asked as he leaned against the wall, knowing if he sat down next to her he was never getting back up.

"I'm bored. I want you back please." She said as she gave him a cheesy grin.

"I thought you were watching your show?" He said laughing.

"It's over." She shrugged.

"You had 4 episodes!"

"I'm over it." She said finally cracking up.

"Give me 15 minutes and I'll come back." He said moving over to kiss her before he went back to finish up the contracts he needed to do from the meeting he had went to last week.

"Okay, I'm back." He said appearing in the doorway again.

"Now what?" She said as she sat up and looked at him.

"You're the bored one pretty girl you tell me."

"I don't know, come sit with me pretty please?" She requested.

"That I can handle." He said as he sat down next to her on the couch and let her settle into him.

"Did you get all the paperwork done?"

"Basically. I need to sign a few more things before I throw it in the mail for Eugene tomorrow. So do you want to work on the wedding?"

"In a bit. I want a non-wedding moment. I feel like the wedding has consumed us. Which it needed/needs too but just a moment."

"I get it, it has been hectic. We can work on it later. We have food next huh?"

"Yeah, which I have an idea, but half an hourish...k?"

"Alright, so you want to just veg or talk or what do you want to do pretty girl?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. She literally was just bored.

"Well I believe we need to start talking about names for these two." Maks said as he rang his fingers across her bump.

"We do!" Peta said getting excited.

"Wanna do that?" He said laughing at her.

"Yes, but can I lay on you please? If I'm not too heavy?" She said softly.

"Babe?! You're.....I"m not even going there. I'll lose no matter what. Come here though, you'll never be too heavy for this, okay?" He said flipping them so he was laying on the couch and she was resting on him.

"Even when I'm 40 weeks and huge?"

"Even then, and you won't be huge, you'll be pregnant and carrying our babies and keeping them safe and healthy." He said as he moved a pillow to under his head before wrapping his arm around her.

"We'll see. But okay so these little ones need names. Any ideas?"

"I like classic or simple names. We are already going to kill our kids with our last name."

"We are, we can stay easy on them. What do you want to start with?"

"Let's do boy first. I like Liam, Matthew and Marcus." Maks said as he had already thought about this a few times. One of them being when he had been trapped on that damn plane.

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