Vanilla, Chocolate, Surprise!

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"We have the pictures of the cakes we liked right?" Peta asked Maks as they headed out of the house to go to the cake designer they chose.

"We sent them to both of our emails." Maks reminded her.

"Oh yeah, we did." She laughed as she got settled in the car.

"I gotcha pretty girl. So how about we go out tonight Miss Birthday girl." He said squeezing her hand as they pulled out of the driveway and headed to downtown.

"If you want." She said softly.

"Babe, it's your birthday. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy and content and so I just, I'm good with just doing something at home with you." She said smiling at him.

"Well I love you sweetheart and I'm glad you feel that way. I feel the same but I still would like to take you out. Please? Nothing fancy, just us and somewhere simple."

"If you want to handsome. We can. I just didn't want you to have to think you have to take me anywhere."

"I want to though, okay?" He said leaning over to kiss her as he pulled into an open parking spot. They got out and headed into the cake shop they had chosen, Vanilla Bake Shop.

"Hello, I'm Callie, how can I help you today?" A cheerful redhead greeted them.

"Hello, we have an appointment to discuss a wedding cake." Maks said as he stuck his hand out.

"Oh yes, Chmerkovskiy."

"Wow, you said that perfectly." Maks smiled at the girl.

"I may have watched DWTS a time or two. I'm very happy for the two of you. I must admit I was one of your supporters. Let me take you back to Kate though, she's in charge of the wedding cakes and the design. I know she's waiting for you as well." Callie said as she led them back to the back room where they were met with an amazing display of cakes as well as many other pictures filling the room.

"Hello, I'm Kate." A older lady said as she stood up to great them.

"Hi, I'm Maks and this is Peta." Maks introduced as they took a seat across from the table.

"It's so nice to meet you two. I'm so excited to be able to help you with this."

"Thank you for agreeing to fit us in. We know this is quite the rush." Peta said smiling happily.

"It's no problem. We are definitely more than happy to help. Now do you two have any ideas or are we starting with a clean slate?"

"Well we have some ideas. We're going with a classical romantic fairytale feel. Our colors are shades of purple and gray. And our flowers are mainly calla lilies with some other fillers and a minimal amount of stargazer lilies."

"And we do have pictures of cakes we liked." Maks said pulling his phone out so that they could show her. She looked over the pictures for awhile.

"Okay, these are definitely some things we can work with. Now do you know if you want a large tiered cake to feed everyone or do you want a cake for you guys and then cupcakes or mini cupcakes?"

"Umm, I don't know that we thought those were options." Peta said slightly thrown off.

"Well, it's definitely something newer. People have started doing cupcakes rather than cake for everyone. Now we can still make a cake that looks tiered, the top layer would be real and then the bottom would just be made to look real and fit in the with cake. And you two can either choose to cut from the top or from a cupcake."

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