Strip It Down

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For mayadance123 , I hope you love it lady. Also the end of this comes with a Mature rating, you'll know when it starts if it makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip or ignore if it's not your thing. : )

"I'm stealing you this weekend." Maks announced after they came home from another round of wedding things. The wedding was next weekend so their lives had gotten extremely stressful the past few days.

"I'm already yours sir. I'm pretty sure stealing isn't necessary." Peta said as she sat down on the couch. She was over it and really just didn't want to go up to their room.

"No, no, that's not what I mean. I think we need a break." He said sitting beside her and pulling her legs into his lap.

"Babe, you do realize our wedding is next weekend, we have twins on the way in less that 4 months, and all our families are going to be here in a few days." She said looking at him like he had grown 2 heads.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know all that and what I know also is that this is completely stressing you out. And I feel like it's losing it's fun for you. Plus this next week is going to be even crazier. So I'm stealing you this weekend. No phones, no wedding stuff, no baby stuff, just you and me and relaxing."

"Babe, I love you and I love this idea but there's no way it's going to work. Do you realize how many of the little details need finalized for next weekend?"

"Two days aren't going to hurt. Please?"

"Maksssss." She whined.

"Sharna can help and Rumer and Val. And our parents plans are set. What else do we need to do?" Maks bargained.

"That's only one thing dear. We have to check with the caterers, check with the florist, double check my appointments and the girls for our final fittings and for the stylist the day of the wedding, finish the list of pictures that we want, finalize the place settings, finalize the table arrangements, finalize the djs list, figure out how to get me out of being away from you that night, and about a thousand other things." She said looking flustered just thinking about it.

"Holy hell." He said as his shoulders slumped.

"I told you." She said reaching for his hand.

"No, I refuse to believe this won't work. It's only Wednesday, do you have a list of everything?" He asked as he started rubbing her feet making her groan in appreciation.

"You're cheating but yes I do have a list." She said.

"Okay, well then tomorrow and Friday before 5 we're going to get through that list. I'll talk to Sharna and Val and they can help with the final stuff that we don't get to. You need this, we need this." He said looking at her sharply.

"We can't hand off our entire wedding to your brother and my best friend goof."

"We're not, we're going to accomplish as much as we can and then they'll help with what needs done over the weekend and we'll pick it back up Monday. However, from Friday at 5 until we wake up Monday, you're mine."

"You're not going to give this one up are you?" She said looking at him.

"No, I'm not. Like I said we both need this."

"Fine, if we can get at least half the list done, you can steal me. We aren't handing everything off to those and we aren't leaving it all til next week. It'll make the whole weekend pointless. That's my deal handsome." She said as she closed her eyes letting his fingers continue their magic.

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