Dates, Details, & Dresses

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*So I'm kinda crushed Sharna didn't win. (Spoiler if you didn't see. Sorry!) So you're getting this update tonight. This one is for Miss bruna_steinberg I hope you love it!

Peta woke up the next morning with Maks nestled into her neck and his arms wrapped around her tight. She ran her fingers lightly up and down his arm trying to wake him. She didn't have much luck so she tried to pull out of his grasp.

"No, no, no, no, stay here." He grumbled into her.

"I have to pee." She said laughing.

"Fine, but come back." He said letting her go as he shifted over to her pillow and snuggled into it for the time being. She laughed and headed into the bathroom. She did what she needed and came back. She smiled as she saw him curled up on her pillow. She climbed back in and he immediately settled into her shoulder.

"You're awfully snugly today." She said softly as she found his hand and played with his fingers.

"I like you." He said as if that were reason enough. And it was but still.

"Well I'm glad." She said laughing pressing a kiss to his head.

"Can we stay here today?" He said as he shifted over some and pulled her into him while managing to stay wrapped in her as well.

"I would love too but....."

"No buts!" He said leaning up and kissing her and silencing her at the same time. She left him kiss her for a while before she flipped so she could look at him. "You're still going to leave me huh?"

"I have my lunch date with Sharna, handsome." She said as she leaned forward to kiss him.

"Awww, I guess I can't with hold you from girl-time." He said.

"No, and i have to tell her about how sweet and amazing your proposal was." She teased.

"I can live with that. When do you have to leave?"

"She's picking me up at 11:30. So we have an hour and a half til I need to shower."

"Good, so that means I can do this then." He said shifting over top of her pressing his body lightly into hers as his mouth covered hers. She moaned into him letting him take over and lost herself in him.


Three hours later, Sharna and Peta were sliding into a booth at their favorite cafe. They ordered and got their drinks when finally Sharna decided that she couldn't wait anymore.

"Okay, I need details. Lots of details, what were you wearing, what was he wearing, what were you doing, where were you?" Sharna said bouncing in excitement.

"Whoa, haha, I'll tell you everything but it's not as glamorous as you're hoping but I loved it. Honestly it couldn't have turned out better for me. So apparently Maks asked my dad for his permission first off." She said raising her eyebrows at Sharna.

"Seriously?! That's so sweet! I'll bet your dad gave him a hard time though."

"He did a little bit, I guess they talked a lot as well as Sam but then dad said he had his permission and so did Sam. And well then my dad teased and told Maks that he wanted him to do it while we were there. And Maks being Maks wanted to make everyone happy so he did. I mean I think he was ready, he had the ring with him but still. So we were going to dinner with my parents the one night and Maks told Dad that he wanted it to be time. So Dad helped him plan it so after dinner we'd walk through the Botanical Gardens and he'd propose in front of the Pioneer woman statue."

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