Practice Makes Perfect

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"Good Morning." Peta whispered from her place on her pillow the morning of the wedding rehearsal. She had woken up a bit ago with her head spinning on things that needed done yet but got caught up in watching Maks sleep peacefully next to her.

"Good morning." He whispered reaching to pull her into him so he could kiss her.

"Did you sleep good?" She said nestling into his chest.

"I did, until I was woken up by someone creepily watching me sleep." He teased.

"Hey! If we're going on that, that makes you the biggest creeper ever mister!" Peta said huffing.

"I can't help how beautiful you look when you're peacefully sleeping." He responded indignantly.

"Same." She retorted making him crack up.

"I'm not sure if beautiful is a compliment pretty girl."

"Well whatever. You know what I meant. So this is the last time I get to wake up next to you as your fiance." She said simply changing the subject.

"Wait, we still have....oh no we don't do we." He said remembering the damn rule.

"Right, I'm with the girls tonight and you're with the guys."

"But....I like sleeping with you best." He whined which caused her to giggle.

"I think you'll make it one night."

"You won't miss me?" He teased.

"Of course I'll miss you but I think we'll make it. Plus if I can't sleep I'm sneaking to your room." She whispered sneakily like someone else would hear her.

"I think I may sneak to see you regardless." He said pressing a kiss to her head as they laid there in silence for a few minutes.

"I suppose we should get up. We have so much to do today." She said as she stretched lightly.

"We do. What's my job?" He asked laughing.

"To get Mom, Lana, Sam, Mama, Papa, & Baba, with Val without getting lost or being late to rehearsal." She teased.

"Do you really think I'd be late?" He asked her as they got out of bed and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Probably not but I'm not thinking that tonight is the most thrilling thing ever. Oh! You have to remember to pick up Alana & Brayden's bears on your way over. They are at the store since we customized them and did the rush."

"Okay, I'll get them. And I'm good with anything that gets us closer to being married." He said as he waited for her to rinse her mouth so he could kiss her. They had gotten everyone in the wedding party gifts. The girls all got necklaces to wear on the day while the guys got cuff links. They decided that they were going to give Alana & Brayden those gifts too but they wanted something more fun for them. So they added a customized Build A Bear to their gifts. They had decided this at last minute though and so they had to order them and speed shipped to a nearby store.

"Me too. And don't forget your tux!" She reminded him.

"Babe, you're starting to stress me out." He said raising his eyebrows at her. "Relax pretty girl. It's all going to be good."

"I know, I just want it to perfect." She pouted at him.

"And it will be. I promise. As long as we end up married at the end of the day, that's all that matters." He said winking at her and he pulled her into him and kissed her again.

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