Swatches, Sashes, and Ties

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"Handsome!" Peta yelled from her spot on the floor next to the couch.

"Yes?" He said appearing in the doorway of their living room.

"Are you going to help today?" She said sweetly as he caught sight of the thousand color swatches she had laying next to her.

"Isn't Shar coming over?" Maks said nervously.

"Yeah but......" She said dropping her head before she muttered softly. "I wanted you to help."

"Babe, aren't you picking bridesmaid dress?" Maks said trying to smooth this over before her emotions got the best of her.

"Yeah..." She said as she moved around some swatches. "Just forget it."

"Whoa, no." He said moving over to sit next to her

"Excuse me?" She said her head snapping to look at him.

"I'm not going to just forget it. I just figured this was more of a girl thing and you'd want time with Shar. That's all."

"You don't have to help." She said ignoring him at this point.

"Peta Jane." He said softly resting his hand on her shoulder.

"Maksim." She retorted causing him to crack up which eventually sent her into a fit of giggles as well and she finally looked at him.

"Do you want me to help?" He asked.

"I did, I just want you to be involved. I understand that this is more girly though so it's okay if you don't."

"Okay, well then I'll help." He said simply.

"Maks....I didn't mean to..." She said as he stopped her.

"You didn't do anything. I just thought you'd want Shar time but if you want me to help I'll help." He said leaning down to press his lips to her forehead.

"Are you sure?" She said looking at him skeptically.

"I'm positive."

"Thank you." She said tipping her head back and kissing him. "Maybe we can get the tuxes picked too."

"We can do that. I'm going to finish this paperwork that I was doing for the studio. When is Shar coming?"

"In a half hour."

"Okay, I'll go finish this up and then I'll be back in pretty girl." He said as he headed to the library, praying that they'd make it through the next 7 months with the wedding planning, pregnancy and mood swings all mixed in there. He knew it wasn't her fault but he didn't want to upset her further either.

A half hour later he came back into the living room to find Peta and Sharna situated on the floor with Peta's laptop open on the coffee table as well as sorted stacks of the swatches.

"Hey Shar." Maks said sitting down next to Peta.

'Hey, you helping?" She looked at him surprised. He shook his head at her and she looked at him slightly confused.

"He's helping because I asked him too and he said no and then I got upset and he felt guilty. That's why he's helping." Peta said as she stacked another pile of colors.

"Not true.....but tell me how I can help?" Maks said.

"Okay, so these are the purple swatches we have from the place we picked to get the dresses and tuxes from. They have lots of styles and basically each style is available in each color and it matches between the dresses and tuxes. So we're trying to match up colors of purples that go well together. We're doing 4 to a stack, right P?" Sharna explained.

Til The End of TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon