Chapter 4

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When we got home Andy and me sat and watched Batman.

A couple hours later Juliet came over.

"Um who the hell is this Andy!?" She said pointing at me and frowning.

Andy looked up at her, then continued watching his show. She slammed the door shut and stood right in front of the tv.

"Andrew fucking Biersack who is she??!!" She yelled, he still didn't answer. So I took control. I stood up.

"Um, I'm April, April Nightingale. I'm his daughter. Well his adopted daughter." I slowly sat back down and looked at her.

She was wearing a black silk dress with red pumps and a leather jacket. Her hair was curled. She looked at me wide eyed then to Andy.
She took a breath and sat on the black velvet love seat.

"So your like a father now?" She asked with confusion.
Yet again Andy didn't answer so I nudged him. He looked up at her.

"Yes I am. Why are you here you just left me for another guy." He said.

It was really weird how he kept his tone very calm. I wanted to go up to my room and draw but when I got up I got pulled right back on the couch.



I woke up to my phone vibrating. I looked at it to see that Andy was calling me. I picked up and he answered by the fifth ring.


AB: Hey finally you answered your phone.
AN: Yeah, I like just heard it. So what's up?
AB: Just wanted to let you know that me and Juliet got back together and she moved back in. So she's going to take you school supply shopping. Okay?
AN: Wait? What? I have to go to school? Andy please don't make me go I hate high school I'll get made fun of and i'll have no friends.
AB: Hey listen. If anyone bullies you, you tell me and i'll deal with them okay? Now I have to go finish recording but just go with Juliet okay? I love you April bye.
AN: Love you too Dad, bye.

I hung up and sighed. Last time I went to school I was almost killed. I shook off the bad memories and got up. I walked to my bathroom and hopped in the shower and washed. When I got out I put on a white tank with Ghost Town on it in bloody words, my red/black ripped skinny jeans, my blood red Vans.
Next I did my make up. I put on my foundation and the under eye foundation, eye liner, smokey eye shadow, then my blood red lipstick.
I went to my jewelry holder and put on my long red diamond shaped necklace, rings, and tons of bracelets. Lastly, I did my hair. I brushed it how I wanted it and then put some curls at the bottom. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

"Well good morning love!" Said Juliet.

I smiled and walked into the kitchen. I'm not much of a 9 a.m. morning person so I just didn't talk.
I opened the fridge and grabbed a white Monster. Then went to the living room and sat next to Juliet. She was watching Real Husbands of Hollywood. I watched it with her and fell in love with the show. Mainly because Kevin Hart was in it.

After the episode was over she grabbed her keys, phone, and purse. Then left.

April NightingaleWhere stories live. Discover now