Chapter 6

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I got on the bus and sat in the back. I texted Andy and told him I made it on the bus. I just looked out the window and listened to my music.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to find the most cutest boy ever! He had black hair, blue eyes, and just perfect. I took out my earbuds.
"Yes?" I asked.

"Um, may I please sit with you?" He asked. I nodded and scooted over. He sat down and looked at me.

"You new to L.A.H.S.?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"What's your name?"

"April Nightingale."

"That's cute I like it. I'm Ryder Jones. I'm a sophomore what about you?"

"Sophomore too." I said.

We talked the whole way to school. When we got off the bus I just followed him. We walked over to the group of boys and girls.

"Everyone this is April Nightingale she just moved here this is her first day." Said Ryder.
I smirked at his introduction. I smiled and waved to everyone. Then the bell rung. I looked at my schedule, okay April just find the class and you'll be just fine. I told myself. I found room 214 and walked in. I found a seat at the very back of the class and sat in it.

I took out my phone and texted Juliet Heyy just made a new hot & sexy friend but don't tell dad! Ok ttyl love u momy!

I put my phone away and got out my Geometry book and notebook. Everyone came in and sat in their seats. The teacher came in and took attendance. He called my name, "here" I said. Everyone looked at me.


After all my first three hours were over I went to my study hall. I sat down and pulled out my phone. Checked my social media apps and then tweeted first day of school at los Angeles high school. Made a new friend this morning. :)
I played some games on my phone until the bell rung.


I went to lunch and was supposed to choose what I wanted. I chose cheese pizza. I got my food and went outside. I found Ryder with his group.

"Heyy there she is!" He said smiling.

"Omg you're so fucking hot!" Said one of his friends.

"Dude, really? I swear your a fucking sex addict." Said Ryder.

"This is Jamie he's a little on the weird side. But he cool. That's Randy, Ella, Violet, and Jewel." He said. I waved and smiled then aye my pizza.
All of them asked me tons of questions about me. I answered them all truthfully.


When I got off the bus Ryder came up to me. "Hey" he said out of breath.


"Can I walk you home?" He asked.

I smiled and blushed. "Yeah you can." I said.
We continued walking to my house. When we got to my front door I stopped and turned to him.

"Do you have a pen?" I asked.

He pulled out a pen. I took it and wrote ny name and number on his wrist.
"Call me" I said and winked.
I opened the front door to Andy and Juliet once again full on making out. But I didn't keep quite this time.

"OH GOD come on you two!! Go up stairs and fuck the lives out of each other, but don't scar my purified clean mind."

They got off each other and sat on the couch. Juliet was fixing her lipstick and hair, while Andy was covering his face.

I went up to my room and put my bag on the floor. I took off my shoes and flopped down on the bed. I looked at my room, I saw a door. I got off the bed and walked to the door. I opened it up to find a whole another room. I called Andy up here.

"Why didn't you tell ne there was another room?" I asked still in awe. I looked at him and he seemed very confused.

"Um, I didn't even know there was another room, but since you found it, its yours. " he said walkingvinto the room.
I followed him in and immediately covered my mouth. It was sooo dusty.

"It just needs some cleaning up and some life. Ohhh I have a great idea for you!" He said.

"Oh god what is it?" I said smiling.

"Instead of having two different rooms why don't I just get someone to take down this wall right here, and turn it into one big room. Not that you don't already have a big room but still. How does that sound?" He said. I thought about it for a second.

"I love it!!" I squealed. We went downstairs and told Juliet, she agreed that it was pretty cool.

We sat down for dinner, Andy made spaghetti and meat balls. It was silent for a couple of minutes besides the forks hitting the plates.

"Oh, so how was school today?" Asked Andy.

"Really great actually. I made a new friend on the bus this morning." I said grinning, thinking of Ryder. I felt myself blushing.

"Oh really, who?" He said.

"His name is Ryder Jones, he's a sophomore too. He even walked me home after school. He's so freaking cu- I mean he's cool." I said. Andy raised an eyebrow. I smirked and continued eating.

After dinner I helped with dishes then went uo to my room. I looked at my clock, its already 6:39 and Ryder still hasn't called or even texted me. I took off my cloti and put on my pajamas and laid on my bed. Right when I laid down my phone started ringing. I answered.

A: Hello?
R: Hey April.
A: Laying down, what ar you doing?
R: Thinking of a really cute girl.
A: Oh, cool (NOT)
R: It's you silly I'm thinking of you! *laughs*
A: Awe really? Awe.
R: Yeah hey so are you busy right now?
A: No why?
R: Wanna get some ice cream with me?
A: Uh, yeah sure let me go ask *leaves, asks, comes back* yeah I can go
R: Okay be there in ten.
A: Okay see ya

I hung up and put on my clothes from earlier, fixed my hair and reapplied my make up. I ran downstairs and waited for Ryder.

"Hey don't be out long and don't kiss him and don't hold his hand don't touch him okay?" Said Andy. Juliet came up behind him and kissed him.

"Sweetie just don't move to fast with him you just met okay, have fun and check in." Said Juliet.

A knock on the door shut Andy up. I stood up and answered the door. "Bye mom and dad i'll call you!" I said and walked out.

April NightingaleWhere stories live. Discover now