CHAPTER ELEVEN - Reconciliation

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Henry went back to work the next day feeling exhausted, ill, worried, and glad it was near the end of the week. He had not slept in two days and he had still not heard any news about Timber. Not even a text message from Xianna, Dresden, or Grace. He did get one from Sebastian, asking how he was doing though Henry couldn't stand to reply. It would only confirm the depth of his misery. All he wanted to do was forget but that was proving to be impossible. His insides felt like they were shutting down without her and his heart was not beating as strong. It was even skipping beats. It was serving as a constant reminder of what he had done.

Henry had made the mistake of turning on the radio while getting ready for work without paying attention to what station it was on. He was hoping for a distraction but Timber had a tendency to change radio stations based on the type of music she wanted to listen to while she was cleaning that day. The station was playing Mariah Carey's 'We Belong Together'. Henry didn't think his heart could break anymore but the lyrics tore his soul to shreds.

He couldn't take the pain. He grabbed the radio and tugged, pulling the cord from the wall, and threw it on the ground with such force, that it broke into pieces that ended up all over the floor. He regretted it immediately because Timber had owned that radio since she was a child. He wasn't sure if she had any sentimental attachment to it.

Henry walked into his classroom on that Thursday morning and left his door open as usual. He tried to get his brain to focus on work instead of Timber but it was in vain. He sat at his desk with his face in his hand and his cane at his side since walking was slightly difficult with his wounded leg. He had just gotten to his feet and grabbed his cane when a small knock on the door alerted him to another presence.

"Mr. Santelli?" said a small voice. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, good morning, Lisa," said Henry with forced cheerfulness. "I'll be alright. I just have a lot of things going on."

"Are you OK?" asked Lisa pointing at his black eye.

"I got into a tumble with my friend. We got a little carried away. I'll be alright."

"Oh. Do you want some help?"

"Thank you," said Henry. "I would appreciate it."

"What should I do?"

"There's a stack of blue paper behind the whiteboard," said Henry. "Next to it are two stacks of green paper. I need help stapling them together. I have two staplers."

Lisa took the stacks and looked at them.

"This looks like a list of everything we've covered this year and an outline format," said Lisa.

"They are," said Henry. "You're going to have a big essay. These are to help get your thoughts together."

Lisa went to sit down and Henry noticed that she was limping heavily. She was clearly trying to hide the pain she was in. Henry noticed that she had also lost a great deal of weight. He attributed that to the stress of losing her older sister but he couldn't ignore her limp.

"Lisa," said Henry. "What happened to your leg?"

"I'm fine," said Lisa.

"You're clearly not."

"I'm fine."

Henry knew she was lying, but he didn't have the energy to argue with her. They sat quietly working for the next half an hour. The only sounds in the room were rusting papers and staplers. They finished five minutes before the first bell. Lisa handed him her completed stack, excused herself with a small smile, and limped out of the classroom.

When the bell rang, and students filed it, he was greeted with happy smiles. He was thankful that none of his students knew about his personal life.

"Nice shiner," said one of the boys.

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