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The group stood beside a massive oak tree that was so tall, that even Henry in his large wolf form would not be able to jump over it. There was a sun in the middle of the trunk, painted in shimmering gold. Henry put his hand in the middle of the sun and walked through the tree. Timber copied him and put her hand in the exact center and walked through with Renegade. It was black for a couple of moments but she kept moving. When it was light, she saw Henry and Lord Frost waiting for her on the cliffs of the island. She stepped out of the way and Sebastian came out of the tree truck.

"Welcome back to Haven," said Lord Frost.

"How does that door work?" asked Timber with eager interest.

"It is a rather complicated bit of magic," replied Lord Frost. "It senses non-human and magical DNA and creates an effect rather like water within the wood, allowing you to pass through and arrive directly to Haven without the need of a ship."

"Very clever," said Timber.

"Thank you. Now, I assume that you will want to get situated. I have people taking your things to your new living quarters as we speak."

"But - " Timber started but Lord Frost held up his hand.

"I know you can do it yourself, but you have a full staff now and your belongings will be there by the time you open the door," said Lord Frost.

"Wait, I can't cook anymore?"

"You could if you wanted to. You have a two-bedroom suite with a full kitchen and all the comforts you have grown accustomed to. When you were here last, you stayed in the guest suite. You did not stay in the Lord's Suite. It is a little smaller than your house but I hope you will find it adequate. You will have access to cleaning services and a cook as a court member. If you decide you do not need them, that is more than acceptable. Personally, I find it helpful as it is difficult for me to keep my living quarters tidy. Are you ready?"

Timber looked ahead of her. They walked at least a half mile on a narrow path through ferns, leaves, mostly bare trees, and small patches of snow before the thirty-foot white walls came into view. Henry stopped at the wall and so did Timber and Sebastian. Lord Frost held up his hand and touched the door. The gates opened.

"Hurry." They walked quickly through with Lord Frost just making it through before they closed behind him. "Queen Aiyanna, myself, and Lord Avanti are the only ones who can open that gate. Now, before we go into the second wall, Timber, you need to know that there is a rather large crowd of people waiting to see you. You are still famous. I have given strict instructions that you are not to be touched and no one is to block your path into the castle. I am sure Henry has informed you that the residents of Haven will address you as 'Lady Timber', or 'My Lady'. You are married to the Wolf Lord. It comes with the territory."

"I actually forgot to tell her," said Henry.

"Well, I know now," said Timber feeling suddenly overwhelmed.

Lord Frost opened the second gates and a flood of shouting met Timber's ears. She was suddenly self-conscious and felt very underdressed in a heavy sweater cardigan and a plain long-sleeve shirt with jeans and boots and no makeup. She turned red as people began to bow to her and Henry. She looked to her right. Henry's neck vein was pulsing which meant he was anxious. He was facing straight forward, avoiding looking at anyone. Renegade was barking and trembling. The noise level was higher than he was used to and he was trying to scare it away. Sebastian walked behind them. Timber could smell his blood racing which told her that he was on high alert and ready to act quickly. Timber had been told there were vampires in the gates though Lord Frost did not see them as a serious threat to the population.

The BlackWolf Effect (Book IV)Where stories live. Discover now