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"I am very nearly ready to exact my revenge. Renegade Frost will suffer profoundly for his transgressions against me."

"What is your plan, Master?"

"I will aim my attention at the young werewolf he is close to. He will come to his friend's aid. It will force him to come alone into the open. That will leave him vulnerable to me."

"But Master, what about the young werewolf? He is powerful. He has never been defeated in combat."

"Are you claiming that he is more powerful than I, Hector?"

"Of course not, Master," said Hector, hiding his disfigured face in shame. "Forgive me, Master. I simply meant that there are rumors among the shadows that he may become the new Lord."


"I have heard words from your spies that the time of Merlin's reawakening is approaching," said Hector timidly.

"Not even Frost has the power to release Merlin from the Emerald. In any manner, no one knows where the Emerald is hidden. It has been lost for centuries."

"No, Master. It has been found and placed within Renegade Frost's reach," said Hector. "It is being cared for by a Cambion. The last of Merlin's descendants. She is also descended from Mortem. She is strong."

"Is this Cambion an accessible target?"

"No, Master. She works intimately with the Nephilim Queen and Lord Frost. She is also protected by the Emerald itself. The Cambion is rumored to be untouchable."

"Hmm... That does complicate my plan. Let me think."

The tall, wax skinned figure began pacing nonchalantly around his small dungeon. It was a square room underground with only one way in and out. It was through a small skylight a hundred feet above his head that beamed down constant sun rays as a preventative measure to keep him from escaping. The stone walls hid a layer of Holy Water between a solid wall of silver on the other side of the stone. The only other way out was a small drain in the corner but it was not large enough for him.

"I have a thought forming in my brain. Yes. I have not felt like this in hundreds of years. I will send you out into the world with vials of my venom. Hmmm... Yes. Yes, this is it. This is going to be a magnificent part of my plan. Build me an army to control, Hector. Renegade Frost will suffer for taking me from my palace prison and trapping me in this damned hole."

"Master, was it not the demon Mortem who framed you for the attempted murder of the shapeshifter, not Lord Frost? Was it not Mortem who stole your soul from you and locked it away, condemning you to a life of imprisonment?"

"Yes, but he has been deceased for five years now so exacting my revenge against him is not possible. Also, Frost is the one who made the decision to have me placed in this hole. He chose to ignore me when I tried to explain my innocence. Besides, it is not only that he punished me for Mortem's transgressions, but he is also responsible for the slaughter of my family. My beautiful, innocent family. I cannot use my mind control abilities as easily as I was once able to and my poor excuse of a descendant had learned how to block me after I attempted to confine the young werewolf once before. He must not fulfill his destiny or I could be destroyed."

"But you said you are more powerful than he," Hector reminded him.

The master's cold red eyes raged and his hand struck Hector's face and his crippled, hunchbacked body slammed into the stone wall.

"Do not question me," growled the master. He fixed his sleek black hair and regained his perfect posture as his minion struggled to his feet.

"Master, it has been many years now I have served you in secret," said Hector. "I was disheartened when you disassembled me; but I was glad that you put me back together so that I may continue to serve you."

The BlackWolf Effect (Book IV)Where stories live. Discover now