CHAPTER SIXTEEN - The Journey To Haven's Gate

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Timber woke up early the next morning to find the room clear of boxes and the leftover food put away. Feeling grateful, Timber smiled and snuck out the back door. She had an hour before Renegade would wake up and it was still dark so she snuck through the back alley until she found what she was looking for. A group of quails were marching along the fence. Timber snuck up on them. They were not easy to catch and eight out of ten times Timber hunted them, she went home empty-handed. This morning, her hunt was successful. She surprised the birds and grabbed one out of the air. She snapped its neck and carried it home. Henry was awake and looking for her when she came through the backdoor.

"Oh good, you're alright!"

Timber turned and took the bird out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry I worried you," said Timber. "I wanted to get breakfast before we left. He seems to like it when I have quails though they're really not my favorite when they're fresh. I prefer rats."

"You're a good mom, Timber," said Henry, and Timber smiled.

"Thank you." She started plucking feathers. "I have the route mapped out and highlighted. I planned a fifteen-minute stop every two hours so Renegade can feel the earth under his paws and we can use the bathroom. I have a meal every four hours during the day. That should take a half-hour. We should get to the hotel by six tonight if we leave here in an hour and a half."

"Is this why you insisted upon a specific hotel?" asked Henry, looking at the map Timber had made.

"Yes, but more importantly, they are pet-friendly. We won't be turned away because of Renegade. I have fields close to the freeway highlighted too where he can wander around."

"Do you think he'll do okay?" asked Henry, looking up at his wife.

"I think so," said Timber. "He won't like being in the car for so long but he likes to play with Sebastian and he likes to hear him speak Chinese so he should be fine for part of the day at least."

Timber finished plucking and threw the feathers away. She put it on a paper plate and went over to her son. His nose twitched and he opened his eyes. He yawned, stretched, and got to his feet to eat. While he ate his morning milk, Timber ate her morning catch, and Henry woke up Sebastian who was sleeping by the front door.

"Is it time to go?" he asked with a yawn.

"No," said Henry, "but there's time to use the bathroom, eat breakfast, and get ready to leave. We have an hour before we hit the road."


He disappeared up the stairs and into the master bathroom. Henry went over to study Timber's map again as she finished feeding Renegade. She Turned and walked over to him.

"Did you account for traffic when you planned this?" asked Henry.

"I planned this all out online. I looked in the usual areas. If there's no traffic at all, we'll get to the hotel at five."

"Perfect," said Henry. "You did a fantastic job planning this out, Baby."

"Thank you," smiled Timber.

Henry and Timber took their turns getting ready for the day. Breakfast was leftover warmed-up pizza out of the boxes. They tossed the boxes in the neighbor's trash bin (they got permission the night before) and then they got into the large truck. Henry took the driver's seat first with Timber beside him and Renegade and Sebastian in the back seat. The boxes were secured under a tarp and tightly held down. Once they were sure they were ready, they pulled out. Timber followed the house with her eyes until it was out of sight. She sighed and faced forward again. They were only a couple of blocks heading south when Timber shouted at Henry to stop the truck. Henry slammed the brakes, Timber leaped out before the truck was fully stopped and ran back down the street. Grace's car was parked on the side of the road with her in it. Her head was resting on the wheel and she wasn't moving.

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