20: Betrayal

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Leslie: what do you mean someone took the twins!?!

Jasmine: I put them to bed last night and then I woke up this morning and they were gone. Me Huey and Riley have been looking everywhere and we can't find them!!!

Leslie: alright Jazzy Imma need you to calm down; take deep breathes, everything's gonna be alright.

Jasmine: ( breathes) alright but come to The house.

Leslie: be there in 20.

[end of phone convo]

{Jasmine's POV}

I can't believe they're gone. Who could've gotten in the house? Was the door unlocked? The only people who know where the spare key is are Huey, Riley, Granddad, me, Leslie, and Caesar. I doubt that any of them would take the twins...... Unless there's something we don't know.

We already called the police and files a report. My head started hurting so I took an Aleve and went to go lay down. I had been crying a lot and screaming and the start of this day has been a mess. Huey walks in the room and sits on the bed next to me, he holds my hand and I sit up to acknowledge his presence. I start to sniffle again and he immediately pulls me into his embrace.

Huey: shhhhh, Jasmine it's okay, we'll find them.( rubs her back)

Jasmine: ( crying on his shoulder) how could someone be so cruel!

Huey: it's the world we live in. Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay.

Jasmine: okay ( stays in his embrace)

{at Devins}

Devin: you know, these babies are petty cute( rocking Cam in his arms) if they give me what I want, I won't have to kill them, but if they don't, the. It's bye bye baby. It would be a shame if they had to die.( smiles evilly)

Caesar: Come on man you don't have to kill em. Have you forgotten that I've been Friends with Huey for years and I kidnapped his children? This is my niece and nephew man.

Devin: listen, you know what you singed up for. If it costs someone else's life.... Then oh well.

Caesar: your sick man, I didn't want this. I told you if you ever needed anything then you could come to me and I would help, and it's only because of the Stephanie situation.

Devin: you know what you did. You said you would help me ( swallows hard) this is helping me.

Caesar: it doesn't have to be like this. And you know Stephanie was an accident, I never wanted any of that to happen, but it did, and I can't change that. Just let me give Huey and Jasmine their kids back and I'll be responsible for all of this.

Devin: no deal. I want Cindy. I love her!!! And no one is going to get in my way of having her!!!....... Even if I have to kill you too. ( puts Cam down) so should the baby girl go first?( puts a knife near Cams neck)

Caesar: Devin please!!!! Just let me make this right!!!...( sighs) I'll talk to Cindy. Is that all?

Devin: no. I want one more thing( smirks)

Caesar: what?( annoyed)

Devin: ...Leslie. I want her and Cindy and then I'll give the twins back unharmed and leave you guys alone.

Caesar: no. Go to hell, you're not getting Leslie.

Devin: (pushes Caesar against the wall with the knife to his throat) I don't think you have a choice. Either I kill you and the twins and take Cindy and Leslie by force, or I don't kill you and the twins and you politely ask Leslie and Cindy. ( smiles) your call.

Caesar: ( growls) fine( shakes Devin off of him) I'll do it.

Devin: good......this is all a game Ceez. You decide if you want to be the winner or the loser. Now get out. And don't come back until you have both my girls.

{Jasmine POV}

I laid in bed the rest of the day. I just didn't feel like doing anything until I got my kids back. I feel like a terrible mother. Huey walks in and sighs. He hates seeing me like this, but how else am I supposed to feel?

Huey: hey you.( half smiles) you alright?

Jasmine: ( sighs) I'm getting better. I just want something to take my mind off of it. I can't stand to think that I'm the reason that...t-that ( tearing up)

Huey: hey, hey, look at me.( makes her face him) this is not your fault. Never say that, you're an amazing mother and I could never see anyone else being the mother of my kids. It's gonna be fine..... We'll be fine.

Jasmine: ( nods her head)

Huey: I know what'll take your mind off this. ( gets off the bed and turn on the radio. He turn on Earned It by the Weeknd )

Jasmine: ( smiles) I love this song.

Huey: I know. ( take her hand) may I have this dance?

Jasmine: yes ( giggles)

Huey and I slow danced until we got tired and it really did take my mind off of things. At first I had my doubts about Huey and I being in a relationship ship be cause we had been best friends for so long, but now I have never been more sure that I love him. He's everything I want. After graduation we are going to the same college, were gonna really live a happy life, not that I'm not happy now, but you k ow what I mean. Everything will be perfect. But until then, I have to get my kids back.


Pic of Jazzy again😍

Okay maybe Caesars not a total. Itch ass nigga. Maybe something do will actually happen....... Or not 😏

Aww Huey and Jazzy slow danced. That's cute😘 well Byeee

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