Chapter 2

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Mackenzie groaned feeling a body on top of her. She opened her eyes and groaned seeing Tanner sprawled across her; mouth hanging open. Mackenzie gave her a poking in the rib, and Tanner grunted rolling over. Mackenzie shook her head and slid out of the bed stretching. She wasn't sure what time it was, but she felt like she had slept for weeks. Picking up Tanner's phone she saw it was 8 am. She sighed knowing she wasn't' going to be able to go back to sleep, and Phil had a big day planned for them. She also wanted to touch base with Mr. Eberly about what exactly was taking so long with their apartment.

Slipping her house shoes on she slipped out of the spare bedroom and slinked down the hallway. She was the only one up it seemed. Walking to the Livingroom window and pushed it open and sat down staring out over the London View. The cool January air hit her face. She shivered and pulled the oversized sweater around her. She took a deep breath and stood up closing the window. Letting the reality hit her.

She had actually done it. She let Tanner convince her to move to another country. It had happened so quickly. She had known she would have to make a move if she wanted to keep doing youtube, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon. Perhaps it wasn't really soon though it just seemed that way. She shook the thoughts from her head and looked up at the sound of footsteps padding down the hallway.

"Zie you're up." Phil Smiled. "Want some coffee? I was just about to put on a pot then head down to get some pastries before everyone got up."

Mackenzie smiled, "I can make the coffee if you would like. "

"That would be great. I will run down to the corner and get the pastries." Phil smiled grabbing is coat and heading out the door.

Mackenzie put a pot of coffee on and poured herself a cup of orange juice. She sighed sitting on the couch. Before she knew it the smell of coffee had pulled Tanner from her deep slumber. She smiled floating to the couch and sitting next to Mackenzie. Phil walked in a few minutes later with a white box and sat it on the table. Soon he had pulled Dan out of his bed and the four sat at the table eating and laughing.

Phil talked animatedly about what he had planned for the day which included the London eye, and a tour of London which got a groan from Dan, but he agreed to go. It wasn't long before the group had finished breakfast and was on their way out the door. A trip on the tube led them to the London Eye. Tanner took lots of vlogs while Zie just enjoyed the sights.

Next stop was a guided bus tour of London. Phil and Tanner insisted they sit on top of the double decker bus. Dan and Zie tried to protest but eventually gave in. The tour took them past all the famous touristy spot like big ben and the London bridge. When the tour finished it was lunch time.

Lunch consisted of Fish and Chips then a little shopping. Dan Buying a new black shirt, and Mackenzie picking up a few girly essentials that Zoella had told her about. Tanner bought what she insisted was now the Phil shirt. It consisted of Monkey faces all over it. By the time the group got home everyone was exhausted. Phil went right to bed while Tanner curled up in the guest bedroom on her laptop.

Zie curled up on the couch watching Netflix unable to sleep. She was intensely watching American Horror Story when Dan sat next to her with his MacBook. She looked up giving him a smile.

"So we haven't really had a chance to talk since you got here," Dan said immersing himself into his computer.

"I know it's been a bit busy." Zie agreed.

"How did you like the grand tour?" He asked not looking up from his computer.

"It was nice. I really appreciate you guys taking us today."

Dan nodded staring intently at his computer. Zie soon realized he had not pushed any buttons on the keyboard of mouse. Zie stretched leaving over just enough to see he was staring at his desktop. She raised an eyebrow and sat back in her previous position.

"What are you looking at?" She finally asked when he still hadn't done anything ten minutes later.

"hu? Oh...nothing.' He stuttered shutting his computer.

They sat there awkwardly until he finally gave a fake yawn, and stood up.

"Well, I am going to head off to bed. I will see you in the morning, "he said then let the Livingroom.

Mackenzie watched him leave wondering what had just happened. She shrugged it off and focused her attention on the screen.

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