Chapter 7

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Mackenzie paced back and forth in the lounge. Dan sat on the couch watching her. He was worried as well, but he knew if he let her Zie would drive herself mad waiting for Tanner to respond.

He stood up and walked over to Zie placing a hand on her waist and looking down at her. "Wearing a hole in my floor isn't going to make her respond sooner. Come sit with me."

Zie sighed and nodded letting Dan lead her to the couch. The two sat in silence as they both let the whole situation sink in.

"I should never have accused her like that." Zie finale spoke a few tears sliding down her cheeks.

Dan pulled her closer to him then reached up wiping the tears away. "She is fine she is just blowing off some steam."

Dan pulled her into a hug holding her tightly. She buried her head into his neck and let out a defeated sigh. The two sat like that in silence until the buzzer rang. Dan looked up and the gave Zie a half smile.

"Bet it's her." He smiled. Zie nodded and scooted aside letting Dan answer the buzzer.

"Hello?" He said pushing the button.

"It's me!" tanner's voice rang out.

Dan hit the buzzer and walked over unlocking the door. Then went back to the lounge sitting next to Zie and pulling her close to him once again.

"Told you it was her." He smiled.

The sound of the door opened and then shut. Tanner clomped into the room and sat down. Zie launched herself out tackling her in a hug.

"You didn't answer my texts or calls?!?"

Tanenr sighed, "I was mad at you."

Zie sat up pouting. "I am sorry I should never have accused you."

Tanner shrugged. "I can be a bit shady I suppose."

Zie nodded and slid back towards Dan who wrapped his arms protectively around her.

Tanner raised and eyebrow, but decided it wasn't the time," So what are we going to do about all the photo's?"

"Call the police," Dan answer grabbing his phone.

An hour later Dan stood in the bathroom with a detective, while Mackenzie sat in the lounge with one office, and Tanner sat in Phil's room with another.

"So why didn't you call right away?" The detective asked picking up the ripped photo with gloved hands.

"The girls got into an argument. They were both a bit freaked out."

The detective nodded. "About?"

"The photo's look at them. Someone invaded our privacy."

"We have our tech team coming in to look for cameras. If someone took this many photos's we suspect hidden cameras. I will have an office find any time's you have been out of the house in the last few months."

The detective next excused himself while Dan tried his best to remember times they had all be out of the house. The detective made his way to the lounge where Zie sat in Dan's couch crease.

"Mackenzie Alton I am detective Myers. I need to ask you a few questions."

Zie only nodded in response as Detective Myers flipped through his notepad.

"So is this the first incident like this?"

Zie shook her head, "No. Weird things have been happening I guess."

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