Home: Part 5

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"I don't understand!" I look around. "How is a human even relevant at this point?!" you ask, trying to keep up with Isaac's long strides.

"The nemeton took your powers! And therefore now- the nogitsune we trapped in there 2 years ago has power again!" Lydia explains as you climb into her car.

"And what does stiles have to do with that?" you ask her as the car races down the dark empty road. She turns the car onto a driveway before turning to you.

"He is the nogitsune."


The door opens and the sheriff looks back at you two.

"Is stiles' here sheriff?" Lydia asks, wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt.

"Yeah, come on in girls. I'll be police station." he lets you in before leaving himself. You two burst into Stiles' room.

"Holy shit!" Stiles stands up, shocked to see you two. "What's wrong?"

"Open your mouth." Lydia digs into her purse. 

"What?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Stiles, just open your mouth!" she says, dumping the items in her purse onto his bed and filing through them.

"Let me go spit out my gum first." he says as he opens the door of his bathroom. You watch him as he spits his mint gum out. "Tell me what's wrong first?" he splashes his face with water. You look at Lydia who nods.

"The nogitsune is back and could be coming for you." you tell him. His expression drops before a sly smirk crosses his face. 

"I think he's already here." he whispers before the door of the bathroom is slammed shut.

"NO!" Lydia screams, pushing against the door with all her strength. You try to use your power but just end up coughing on the floor. "AAAAAAAAA!" a loud scream rips through the room and her hands push against the door as it burst open. The bathroom is empty.  "Stay here." she tells you.

"No Lydia!" you yell but her cars already speeding down the road. "SHIT!" you kick a rock.


The woods are dark, as you try your best to make it to the school where Isaac and Scott had gone. The light on your phone flickers as it shuts off from lack of battery. You curse and shove the useless metal into your pocket. You walk some more before a tree root has you on all fours. 

"Ah!" you grunt and get up, brushing off your knees and palms. When you look up you freeze, you were back at the nemeton and on it sat Stiles, the nogitsune. 

"Back again so soon?" he asks, leaning back on his palms.

"What do you want?" you tighten your fists. He spots them.

"You have no powers remember?" he points to the fists that helped you fire up. Remembering this, your fists loosen. 

"Y-you didn't answer my question." you are almost shaking when he stands up and steps closer to you.

"What do I want?" he shoves his hands in his pockets as he strolls over, walking around you once before stepping in front of you with a smirk. "I want power." he smiles, before turning around. "And this time... I'll get it." he laughs as he suddenly turns to you. "Thanks for this by the way." he wiggles his fingertips and a small fire danced across them.

"THAT'S MINE!" you lunge at him. He moves aside and you fall to the ground.

"This was my game. Think you can beat me at my game?" he growls as his finger wrap around your neck and lift you off the ground. You claw at his fingers, gasping for air, for release.

"Stiles! Please!" you choke.

"When is a door not a door? Answer me and I'll let you go!" 


"WHEN IS A DOOR NOT A DOOR Y/N?" He roars in my face. You gasp as your vision starts to go black.


That's it for this chapter! Tell me what you think!

Love, RUE

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