Isaac's new apartment

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Recently your boyfriend Isaac had bought a floor in your brother, Derek's apartment. You couldn't wait to help him move in! But let's just say things don't always go as planned.

2 days ago you stood in front of the boys change room, that when Isaac told you about buying a floor from Derek. You were so happy you screamed! Finally! Isaac could finally live near you! He'd quickly put his hand over your mouth and smiled. Isaac was only in one of your classes mainly because you were a year younger than him... He was a junior and you were a sophomore. It was hard to switch into his gym class. The next day Derek had told you Isaac was moving above them the day after. You'd told him that you would help him move in. And Derek had simply said "No that's okay. He has Scott, stiles and me." You'd argued until Derek had finally given in and agreed to let you help. But that night you couldn't go to sleep, so you took the pill Derek offered and fell into a dark, dreamless sleep.

The next morning you didn't wake up. The moving truck came, they moved boxes and furniture. There was tons of noise but your eyes stayed shut. They unpacked and settled in but you still never woke up. It was around 8 pm when your eyes flutters open and your stomach growled loud.

"Derek...." You called out softly. The entire apartment was pitch black. You couldn't see anything. You got up and off your bed. You went to where his desk usually sat. He wasn't there. "Derek? Are you there?" You call out again. Silence calls back at you. That when you smelled it. It was a very strong smell. You get down and sniffed the floor. It's defiantly coming from downstairs. Your stomach growls again. The strong smell They door opens and Derek flips on the lights. "Oh, hey! Your awake! You wouldn't get up all day! So I thought you would be hungry. So I brought you some pizza!" He puts the box of pizza in his desk and takes his coat off. You dive for the pizza and before you know you've swallowed down and entire slice. "OMG! I was so hungry! This is the best pizza I've tasted!" You say between bites. "Haha, relax! The whole box is for you! I already had dinner!" He laughs. "You did? Where?" You question. "At Isaac's while helping him move in." Derek takes his shirt off an looks through his wardrobe. "You didn't want me to go." You realize what Derek had done. "You gave me a sleep pill with wolfs bane so I would stay out longer!" You yell at him. "No, Y/N I would never do that!" He lies. You throw the slice your eating at him and race out of the apartment. You run up to Isaac's flat and run in when you see the door open. You run to give him a big hug. "Woah, Y/N! When did you wake up and what are you wearing?" He asks as he hugs you back. You look down and see a bra and underwear."Oh... These are my night clothes and just now... Derek gave me a sleeping pill with wolfs bane!" Tears start flowing out of your eyes. "Oh baby." He hugs you tighter. "Why would he do that? I just wanted to help you move in!" You sob into Isaac's chest. "Here... Come here..." He picks you up and carries you to his bed. He lies you down and sleeps next to you. You lie there for sometimes until your tears are gone. "Thank you." You kiss Isaac's soft lips. He smiles and climbs on top of you. "Hey Isaac is Y/N here..." You hear Derek walk through the front door and spot you two. Isaac gets off of you and straightens his shirt. "Sorry... Am I interrupting you?" He asks. "No, not at all." Isaac moves away into his kitchen. " I was just gonna make some... Uh... Soup! For Y/N...she wasn't feeling very good." He pulls out a pot. "No! I'm feeling fine! And yes! Derek you are interrupting us! So please leave us alone!" You get up and tell at him in fury. "So sorry, but get your naked little ass home. NOW!" Derek yells back. "I WILL NOT!" You yell back. You feel your claws coming out. You start breathing heavily and fall to your knees."Woah... Relax. Y/N...calm down. Look at me! Come on!" Isaac gets down and lifts your face so you can look at him your face. Slowly your breathing gets easier and your claws retract. Derek watches this a happen and then turns around to leave. He stops at the door and turns around, smiles and simply says "You found your anchor." You sleep the best sleep of your life that year, right next to Isaac and the whole time and you know your ready to spend your whole life with him without hesitation. Because Isaac's your anchor and you love him more than anything.

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