The Surgeon (Part 5)

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The next week you spent with Scott. He's really sweet and kind and handsome and ugh, you just wish he would ask you out already! Its December 20th, you step into Randall's bar and take a seat next to Scott.

"Hey!" You pull off your winter coat.

"Hi!" He smiles at you.

"So why'd you call me here?" You ask him as you sit down onto the tall bar stool.

"Nothing... Just needed a drinking buddy. We haven't been drunk together since forever!" He exaggerates.

"It's the hours of work! I'm so close to finishing residency!" You laugh at him and wave for a shot if tequila.

"I know. Your so tired all the time that whenever you come home you just... Fall asleep.We never get to spend time together or you know... Have sex or anything. Not anymore." He whispers to you.

"So you called me here so you could rant about me not being your whore anymore?" you down your shot of tequila. It burns a hole down your esophagus.

"No-" he starts.

"Just... Be quiet." You spit at him before picking up your coat and rushing out if the bar. You quickly drive home and see Sam flipping through Netflix, ready to  choose a movie.

"Hey Sammy..." You croak.

"Oh hey... What's wrong?" He asks looking over his shoulder.

"Well I just had a fight with Scott. I guess I just broke up with him. Not that that's technically possible, we were.never really together like that. He never asked me..." I flop down onto the sofa next to Sam.

"Aww poor thing. Here! I made some hot cocoa! I'll go get it!" He gets up and rushes to the kitchen, returning with 2 giant mugs. You grab the bright blue one and smell the Cocoa

"Mmmm... Juju!" You whisper.

"Hot juju!" He laughs. Hot Cocoa is basically the one thing that helps you and Sam overcome something bad, its your juju!

You start to watch Sherlock when the doorbell rings.

"Stay here. I'll go check it out." He puts down his Juju and rushes to the door as you pause the movie. Your ears perk up at the sound of a boy.

"Hey Sammy boy! How you doin?"You hear a husky voice.

"Sam! Who is it?" You call getting up of your sofa. In the door way stand a man in black. He's hot, like REALLY hot. Well built too.

"Hi, I'm Dean Winchester!" He smirks and throws forward his hand.

"Hi! I'm Y/N! You must be Sam's brother! Come on in! Sam! Get out of the door way god dammit!" You smack him lightly.

"I like this one!" Dean laughs as he come in.

"Come, ill show you the guest bedroom!" You lead him.

"Oh no... I should find a hotel! No need to bother you!"He replies.

" No! I insist!" You reply. You shut off the TV and show Dean the guest bedroom. Just before you go up to sleep, you grab a water bottle from the fridge.

"So how long have you and Sammy been together?" Dean asks as he enters the kitchen.

"Oh! Sam and I aren't together! We're just friends!" You explain.

"So you live together? Just you 2?" He asks looking out if the kitchen.

"Yeah!" You respond.

"Then why the hell is the front door knob turning?" He asks. The front door clicks open and in comes...

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