The Surgeon (part 2)

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The  next morning you chug down some aspirin and water and run out of the house. A killer headache pounds through your brain. As soon as you get to the hospital you see an ambulance pull up.

A man is wheeled out of the ambulance and into the hall way. You follow them in.

"Stop!Stop! I don't need a surgery! I'm fine!" You hear him.

"Yes you do. You have a broken leg, multiple broken ribs and left hand is shattered. You are not okay!" You hear the paramedic wheeling him.

"Hold on... I'll take him from here." You tell the paramedic and walk around the stretcher to take a better look at the man.

"Oh hey!" He says.

"You! McCall right?" You ask in shock.

"Yeah! Look u have to let me go! I'll be fine! I swear! I'm not hurt!" He looks at me with worried eyes.

"Look... Scott. I can't let you go! We have to get u to surgery right now! 2 broken ribs! 2!! Thats 2 too many!" You write down his injures on a form the nurse hands you.

"Okay...look at me." He sits up.

"What?!?" You groan.

"I'll heal. You have to let me go! Look," he gets off the stretcher and does a couple of jumping jacks ", I'm fine!" He concludes.

"How did u... What the... I..." You stammer.

"Look, I know your confused. But please... I'm fine... U have to let me go!" He touches your cheek.

"Nancy... Cancel the OR and book a room. Let's get him in rest. I have to examine him." You say before leaving Scott standing there.

"HEY! PLEASE! Y/N!" he yells at you.



"...and 2 shattered ribs... Chief he was up and running... I don't know how." You explain to the chief in his office.

"That's crazy... Have someone stay with him over night... Check in him tomorrow and come back to me."

"Alright... Thanks Chief." You nod.

"And Y/N..."


"Sometimes miracles do happen... I know its hard to understand as a surgeon but they are real." He says before u exit the room.

Downstairs the whole floor is an uproar.

"Sam! What's wrong?"you ask your surgeon friend.

"He's gone."

"Who's gone?"

"That guy, the miracle man... He's gone. He escaped he hospital." Sam says.

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! I hope u enjoyed! Have a nice day! Comment what u guys think will happen next!

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