Cold Dreams (P.2)

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"I lost my virginity to a guy I don't even know?!" tears from at the corners of your eyes. Groaning, again, Isaac sits up and smiles a big, fat fake smile.

"Hi, I'm Isaac Lahey! I'm 17 years old. I go to Beacon Hills High and I'm on the Lacrosse team! "He chirps before rolling his eyes and returning under the covers. Shocked you sit there, in utter silence. It takes a few minutes for you to recollect yourself. Standing up you collect your clothes off the floor and walk to the bathroom. You hear Isaac roll off the bed and follow you. Covering yourself, you wait for him. He goes straight to the sink and grabs a toothbrush.

"I'm changing. Don't look." You threaten. He stops scrubbing his teeth and stands up to look at you wrapped in a red sheet.

" But I've already seen you naked." He replies his arms crossed across his muscular chest.

"Still... Don't!" you say strongly.

"As you wish." He responds with a sly smile and returns to his brushing. You sharply turn your back to him and drop the sheets. After that it's a race.  You quickly snap on your bra and panties. Pulling on your pants you turn around to see Isaac sitting on the bathroom counter, with his pants on, quietly chuckling at you. You scowl and pull on your shirt before throwing the sheets at him and walk out of the room.


You creep into your house quietly. It's early in the morning.

"Y/n?" you hear your mom from upstairs. She rushes down the stairs to greet you.

"Hi mom..." you smile weakly scared that she'd be mad.

"Thank god your home! Jenna called me! She's going into labor! Can you believe you'll have a new baby cousin soon! Anyways, I have to go! I'll be back next Sunday! My card's on the table, if you need it!" She yells at you as she runs out of the door. You shrug her off and pocket her credit card with a grin on your face. Then you lock the door the front door and head down the road to Chyna's house. Chyna is your bestest friend ever. You can tell her anything! Including the part where you lost your 16 year old virgin ass. You knock on her door. She opens it.

"WHAT?!" She asks groggily.

"Denny's?" You wave the credit card in front of her.

"Yes!" she smiles and runs back into her house to get dressed.

They seat us in a corner and take our order. As soon as the waiter leaves Chy leans in.

"What happened?" she asks. You gulp. Then you take a deep breath.

"I... I... I lost my virginity." You stammer. Chyna's jaw drops and she stares at you gaping.

"You what?" she asks shocked.

"It wasn't on purpose! It was a mistake!" you whine.

"Who was it?" she asks.

"I don't really know him but he said his name was like Isaac Lahey..."

"YOU lost it to the ISAAC LAHEY!" she practically yells. I see a few tables around us turning to stare.

"SHHHHH!!!!" I quiet her down. "What's so special about him anyways?" I roll my eyes. Chy drops her spoon.

"Isaac Lahey, the hot hunk on our lacrosse team! You helped me hold up a 'Go Isaac' sign for him during our last Lacrosse game!"

"I did?!"

"You obviously weren't paying attention..." Chyna mumbles.

"I'm sorry! I just have no interest in hot hunks that are on our lacrosse team!"

"Here you go!" You hear a waiter. He places the dishes on your table. "Oh hey! It's you guys!" You look up to see Danny.

"Danny!" you both smile.

"Come join us!" Chyna pats the seat beside her.

"I'd love too! But in a few minutes when my shifts over, okay?" he grins before running off again. Danny is super awesome. He's on the Lacrosse Team too. He's the goal keeper person and he's really good at it. He's also VERY good looking unfortunately he's gay and the girls are all left hanging at that but he's a great friend as well.

"What do I do Chyna??" you screech as Danny disappears.

"First, you calm down. Second, you forget about it and eat your breakfast! Third, you ignore Isaac Lahey and pretend like it never happened." She smiles reassuringly.

"How am I supposed to ignore Isaac? He's in our school!" you stab at your eggs with your fork.

"Seriously Y/N? You didn't even know he existed! For the past 2 years he's been in the same high school!! You've done it before and you can do it again!" Chy grins. You smile finally reassured that it'll be alright. Now all you had to do was avoid all contact with Isaac Lahey and that couldn't be hard, right?

A/N: I know, I know! This is a terrible chapter! It's boring! But PLEASE bear with me!!! I love you guys so much! Thanks for reading this terribly horrible part and bearing with me! (P.S. The next chapter is alot better, in my opinion!)

Love, Rue

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