Cold Dreams (P.7)

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Isaac, what's he talking about?" you look up at Isaac, your eyes questioning. He sighs and motions you away. You follow him and he turns his back to Luke and puts his hand to my cheek.

"Just don't listen to him okay? He's only trouble. Okay?" he whispers. You nod quickly. He runs his hands through his hair and returns to the table where he grabs the books. "We'll be leaving Luke. Tell Jordan to suck my ass." Isaac winks at a wide-mouthed Luke before he pulls you away. We sign the books out and Isaac grabs your wrist pulling you away from Luke. You look back at Luke, he's grimacing and you notice Isaac is too.

"Yeah sure, take the whore away!" Luke yells as you open the passenger seat door to Isaac's Mercedes. Your mouth goes dry. "Jordan doesn't need her anyways!" He yells one last time. You look at Isaac who looks like he's ready to kill Luke but when you turn back to Luke, he's gone. Within a blink of the eye, gone. Isaac grunts and you take that as a note to get in the car. You sit down slowly, replaying the last few minutes in your head.

"Yeah sure, take the whore away! Jordan doesn't need her anyways!"

Who was Jordan? Why did that name sound so familiar?

You felt my heart ache. Isaac sits down and starts the car. His hands gripping the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turn white. We start driving down the street and you lose yourself in your own thoughts.

I blacked out? When? The last time I'd had so much alcohol was at Jim Pinto's party... the party I woke up next to Isaac...

"Don't think too much. It wasn't anything. Luke is the Carleton gossip queen." Isaac says as he notices your lost face.

"I... I just don't remember... Like anything... It's been like 4 days, I should remember!" You bury your face into your hands. "Will you tell me what happened?" You ask hopefully looking up. Isaac clenches his jaw.

"Do you really want to know?" he asks.

"Yes." You nod your eyes wide. Isaac rolls his eyes the takes a U-turn. "Isaac... home is that way..." you look at him suspiciously.

"I won't tell you. If you want to know, he'll have to tell you himself." Isaac says and speeds up.


"Knock. " Isaac commands.  You put your knuckles against the dark mahogany door. You take a deep breath and knock. The door opens seconds later. A boy looks down at me. His blue eyes stare right into mine. Your heart stops.  A sweet smell fills your nostrils.

"Y/n..." he breaths out. The world seems to have frozen. Your eyes travel over his face; his blue eyes, sculpted nose and cheek bones, his soft and full lips. Your lips ache to be kissed by his.  "Come in." He gestures, breaking our eye contact. You look at Isaac who nods and you step into the house. He leads us to the living room. That's when you realize he's shirtless.  His abs are beautiful. Like an artist spent hours sculpting them.

"Y/n?" you hear Isaac.

"Oh yeah?" you snap out your trance.

"Pay attention! He asked if you wanted anything." Isaac snaps.

"No thank you." You look down at the wooden floor.

"I'm sorry. I should have a shirt on. I really shouldn't be taunting you like this!" Jordan apologizes quickly and runs up the stairs.

Is he boasting about himself? Arrogant much.

 He returns soon after, fully clothed.

"Now, might I ask your reason to visit?" he smiles at us.

"Y/n blacked out. She doesn't remember Jim's party and all would've been fine if your stupid beta Luke hadn't gotten in the way." Isaac spits.  You hear Jordan curse under his breath as he buries his face in his hands.

"I can't do it again. I just can't. It was way too hard last time." Jordan shakes his head.

"What can't you do?" You ask confused.

"Well, you have to. Or else she'll know soon and she'll come back to you. You know she will. And you'll break her heart all over again when she sees you will Carly." Isaac and Jordan ignore you.

"Why would he break my heart?!I'm not with him or anything! I don't even know him! " You yell trying to catch their attention. It works. They turn their faces to you. Jordan looks at me then at Isaac and the points at the door. Isaac nods and leaves.

"I would break your heart because you're my mate." He says.

"Your what?!"

 Oh snap! What now? Hey I updated twice in the last 2 days! Yay! DOn't forget to show your love! Like, share and follow!

Kisses, Rue


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