Chapter 2

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(Zendaya's POV)

This is not good, not good at all. At the same time I'm freaking out about moving in with Val, yet I'm worried about what my parents will say. "Val, I don't think I'll be able to move in with you" I say while trying not to cry. "Dayachka, I know you are worried about your parent's reaction that's why I've invited them to have pizza with us" He said. "Okay I just don't want them to say no to this I can't live with the fact of not seeing you everyday." "I understand babe come on we need to meet with your parents." "Fine, I really shouldn't be this nervous but I am." Val gets up off the bench and hugs me. "Babe just relax everything will be okay I promise." "Okay Val if you say so." After Val gave me the confidence I really needed we got into our cars and drive to Pitfire Artison Pizza. Once we got there and walk inside I immediatley see my parents and walk over to them to sit at the table. "Hey mom and dad what a coincidence that you two are here" I say smiling. "Well, Val invited us here to tell us something really important right Val" Claire said while winking at Val. What the heck why is my mom winking at my boyfriend like that, I must be imaging things. "Well, Kazembe and Claire you know that I care for Daya so much and we haven't seen each other in two years, so I was wondering if she can live with me in New York" Val said. I look at my parents while waiting for  their answers, oh great they are gonna say say no! Out of nowhere my mother starts laughing. "I'm sorry I just can't keep this to myself anymore. Daya, Kazembe Val already asked for my permission and I told him yes because I trust him with you rather than Trevor" Claire said. "You didn't want to tell me this Claire and please don't start with that Trevor boy you remember the last time we talked about him" Kazembe said. "So wait, I can go live with Val?" I asked while smiling. "If it's okay with your mom then it's okay with me sweetie." I rush out of my seat and hug my parents. "Oh thank you thank you I love you guys so much!" "Oh and Val you have permission to date my daughter because we all know that you still have feelings to date her ever since she was on DWTS" Kazembe said. Oh this is so great my parents said yes and they are allowing him to be my boyfriend can this day get any better.

After eating pizza and talking for about a hour and a half Val, my parents, and myself drive back to the house. Once I get into the house I take off running towards my room and instantly start packing. While I continue packing Val walks into my room and sits in a chair next to my desk. "Dayachka, if I may ask what happened between you and Trevor?" Val said quietly. "I knew you were going to ask me that. We were going to a party  for one of his friends, at the time I really wanted to be alone because you were always on my mind but, I chose to hang out with him, while at the party Trevor got really drunk and tried to rape me. I ran out of the partyand called my parents my father was so furious that he told Trevor's parents and we haven't talked because I told him that our friendship is over." I said. Val gets up and walks over to hug me and I start to cry. "Oh Daya I'm sorry I wish that I was here to comfort you when this all happened babe." "Don't worry Val you're here now and that's all what matters. By the way, can you please help me pack?" "Sure babe I would love to."

Subsequently, after three long hours of packing clothes, accessories, and anything else I needed we were finally done. We fell onto the bed to realx while listening to the radio when the song "Fine China" by Chirs Brown started to play. I get up and pull Val off the bed and start to do our hip hop routine from DWTS. "I can't believe that after two years you still remeber this dance Val." I said. "Dayachka everytime I hear this song I remember this dance and how amazing you were." Val saya while kissing me.  There's something different about Val I just can't put my finger on it until I'm looking up into his eyes. "Oh my god Val you got taller! I kept wondering why we are now the same height but you are taller than me. So when are we leaving for New York?" "Whenever you want to babe." "How about in a few hours, so I can tell my friends that I'm leaving." "Ok that's cool with me my love." I took about two hours telling everyone that I was moving to New York with Val. Even though Bella couldn't answer her phone since she's doing a new movie I left her a message explaining everything. When I was finally done with sharing my exciting news with everyone, I walk downstairs with all of my luggage to tell my parents goodbye. It was really hard for my mom since she still thinks of me as her little girl, but i told her that we can webchat anytime she wants to. While Val took my stuff I hugged my parents and told them that I love them and will miss them. My parents walked me out the house and helped me into Val's car. Once Val said his goodbyes to my parents and got into the car we headed off to the airport. When we made it to the airport I saw that a private jet was waiting for us. The staff took our bags and put them on the jet. "Are you ready to go?" Val asked. "Yea of course I am" I say as I'm getting out of the car. As we are boarding the jet, Val and I take a picture and post it on instagram saying: "Heading to NYC to live with @iamvalc!" when the pic was uploaded we sat in the chairs and waited for the jet to take off. As soon as we took off, I look out the window and smile to myself thinking about how amazing this will be for Val and I.

Well Daya nad Val are now headed of to New York. I'm really sorry if most of you like Trevor I just had to make him the jerk. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter it's raining right now so idk if I will write another chapter. But if you want more please vote, comment and share thanks.

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