Chapter 4

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(Daya's POV)

I wake up the following morning to see Val watching me sleep. "Hi good morning Val" "Good morning to you Dayachka." Val bends down and kisses me, oh if mornings are like this every day then I would love for Val to wake me up like this all the time. "So Val what is on the to-do list today?" "Well, Anna wants to take you out on a girls day with some of your friends." What friends is Val talking about most of them are in L.A. right now probably still sleeping. "But I don't wanna go with Anna I wanna stay in bed you for the rest of the day." "Look Dayachka if you promise me that you will go hangout with Anna I will take you out tonight and give you something special." "Ok fine you win." I quickly get out of bed and get dressed once I was done I gave Val a kiss on the cheek. "Bye babe I hope you have fun with whatever you do." I leave the bedroom and walk out to the living room and see Anna waiting. "Hey Daya are you ready to go?" Anna asked. "Yea I am but Val said that we were going with a few of my friends but I don't see anyone but us." "Oh  that's because they are downstairs in the limo waiting for us come on." Anna and I walk out of the apartment and downstairs and outside towards the limo and open the door and went inside.

When I was inside I look to see Aly Raisman, Kellie Pickler, and Karina Smirnoff. "No way! I can't believe that you are all here I thought that you guys were busy. "Oh we could never be busy to spend time with you sugarcube" Kellie said "You guys are the best including you Anna. So where are we off to?" The girls look at me and start to laugh. "It's a surprise Daya so you have to wait" Aly said. The driver drove the limo away from the apartment and to our first destination which I had no clue at all what is is. Once the driver parked the limo and opened the door for us I get out and see that we are at a spa. "You guys did not plan this I mean come on a spa day I'm so excited!" I say. The five of us walk into the spa and we are handed with a robe for us to chage into, we then change and meet back up in a private room and sit down and do what normal girls usually do talk about boys! "Okay so other then Daya, Anna and myself are you two seeing anyone special?" Kellie asked. "Mark and I started dating now" Aly said while blushing. "Good good and what about you Ms. Karina?" Anna said. "Okay okay you guys caught me Jacoby and I have been dating for almost two years now" Karina said. "I knew it! I knew I wasn't the only only who was attracted to their dacne partner." I said. "Well of course not Daya we are women and something about them attracted us, like with Jacoby  the fact that he can make me laugh after a long day makes me fall more in love with him everyday." Karina said. "Yea with Mark he makes me feel special and warm when I'm around him" Aly said. I smile and think wow they are right there is something that does attracts us to the guys."Did you guys ever feel like once you left each other that you felt like a part of you was gone?" I asked. "Yes, of course" They all said. "So now you all know how I felt when Val and I parted ways" The girls get up from their seats and come together for one big hug. "You guys are really the best I can't wait to see what else we do today.

Well two chapters in one day I bet you are all happy I hope you enjoyed this chapter please vote, comment , and share if you would like more :)

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