Chapter 12

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(Z's POV) 

After a five to six hour long flight we make it to Las Vegas where what happens here stays here. We immediately get into the limo and drive to Caesars Palace and get settled in. Little did we know that a duo named Trevor Jackson and Kelly Monaco were also here to hunt it down and convince us that we didn't love each other. When we were done settling in the four of us changed into our swimsuit and headed to the pool, but while we were walking out to the pool I swear that I saw Trevor with some girl that looks like Kelly Monaco maybe my mind is plating tricks on me because I will never ever forgive him. We see that Olay has everything ready for us so we walk over and they greet all of us they tell me that even though I won the contest that the four of us can be in the shower together trying the soap, taking group picture and have fun. So we get in this big shower with their soap and start to wash each other but having more fun with it, from the corner of my eye I can see Maks and Anna having way too much fun while Val and I are very much different. But as I'm looking at Val I see them aka Trevor and Kelly looking right back at me oh heck no I knew it!

Once we were finally done taking picture I walk over to Trevor and Kelly and confront them both. "What are you two doing here?" I said angrily. "Well if you really must know Z I'm here to take you back and Kelly's here to take Val back." Trevor said. "No! I am not going with you I told you before and I will tell you again I belong with Val our paths were meant to be together so leave us alone!" Out of nowhere Kelly then pounces on me and start hitting and scratching at me. Val, Maks, and Anna eventually break us up but Kelly wants to go another round. "That's it Kelly you are not apart of our family anymore I don't want to see you or Trevor near any of us anymore got it?" Val said while trying not to beat up Kelly and Trevor. Trevor and Kelly walk off together while everyone tends to me. "Daya are you ok baby?" "Yes Val I'm fine I just wish I got to beat the crap out of that woman." "Baby don't worry about her Kelly isn't important right now you are." "Look you guys I'm fine really she only scratched me." Val picks me up and takes me up to our room. "Val will you please put me down I'm fine really you don't have to do this." "Love the only reason I'm doing this is so you don't hurt yourself ok." "I know babe but." "No buts Zendaya." "Fine Valentin works for me." "Love I don't want you to be angry with me I just want to make sure that you are ok you don't want me to go find Kelly and Trevor, kick their ass, and get sent to jail now do you?" "No love but I don't want you to worry about me as a little sister and not your lover." "Daya you know I always look at you as a lover babe you are the one for me." "Really?" "Really my love." "So can we please go back to the pool and have some fun I feel so much better I swear." "Ok fine let's go."

As soon as Val and I arrived back at the pool we see Maks and Anna basically making out and grinding on each other. "Oh wow, I guess Vegas really does this to people." "Well Dayachka that's only when you are having too much fun that you want to share it with your lover." "And I wanna have fun with you Val come on dance with me." Val then pulls me close and we start dancing, I can see that almost everyone is looking at us but I only want to see Val. "Val can I ask you something?" "Sure love." "Why do you think Kelly and Trevor came all this away to break us apart?" "Because they don't like seeing us as a couple so they are trying to break us apart but that won't work since we love each other so much." "Your right babe I really should worry about them anymore they don't even matter to me only you my grumpy pants." Val eventually kisses me and we plus Anna and Maks go back to our room, while Maks and Anna went into their own suite Val and I walk inside ours and sit on the couch to relax. "So Val since we are in sin city for another day we as in you and me should go to the theme park or to the movies." "Yea we should but what about Maks and Anna?" "Valentin, my love you really don't want to know what Anna has planned for today and tomorrow but let's just say that they will be busy the rest of the night if you get what I mean." "Ok I understand babe so we will make it a date for us tomorrow." "Great love now let's get out of their swimsuits and order some room service." I walk into the room while Val orders or food and quickly change into some shorts and a shirt and walk back to Val and sing in his ear. "You know Dayachka that I know that some of your songs are about me." "Oh? Is that so?" "Yea Z I've listened to them and they are really good." "Awe thanks babe that sounds amazing coming from you so is the food on it's way?" "Yea I'm just gonna change first." Val goes into the room to change and a few minutes later I hear a knock at the door and see a employer and he hands me the food, I tip him and walk back in the living room to see Val waiting for me. "So baby what did you get for us?" "I got us some veggie burger with some fries." I put the plate down and Val and I start to eat, when we were done eating we decided to watch Pirates of the Caribbean and eventually fall asleep on each other.

The following morning I wake up in the bedroom wondering how I got in here I look over to see Val sleep and figure out that he must have carried me and put me to bed. "I think I should make you breakfast for being such a nice fiancé" I say quietly to myself. I get out of bed and head into the kitchen and make breakfast about thirty minutes later I walk back into the bedroom with pancakes and syrup. "Val babe wake up I have breakfast for you." Val immediately wakes up and starts eating his pancakes, I then take my plate and start to eat but instead eating it regularly I eat it from the middle. "Babe what are you doing?" "Eating the pancake from the middle I mean hello it's the best part of the pancake." "You are so cute daya." "Yes, yes I am now come on I'm ready to go out and have some fun." After we are done eating we leave the hotel and walk off to the indoor theme park having fun along the way. Once we made it to the park we started to ride roller coasters and other rides, taking time to meet and greet our fans they kept asking us questions like when are we getting married or what is our wedding going to be like? So I told them that they will just have to wait and be ready because anything can happen. Val and I knew that it was getting late so we decided to go back to the hotel.

Eventually, when we made it back to our room we saw that a note was left for us from Maks and Anna saying that they we going to stay in Vegas for a couple more days which meant Val and I were going to have the house to ourselves yea! After packing up our bags and saying bye to Maks and Anna we headed to the airport and immediately left for NYC, but I couldn't shake the fact that I was getting married to the man I've fallen in love with in a few short months!!

Alright we made it to chapter 12 omg I thought I wasn't going to get this far but I did and it's all thanks to you guys my fans I love that you guys love my story and I can't wait to share the next chapter with you all because z and val will be getting ready for the wedding!! I hope you are all ready for it because I am! Therefore, if you want to find out more please vote, comment, and share. :)

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