Chapter 14

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(Z's POV) 

I wake up the next morning with a burst of energy because it's my wedding day!!!! Anna walks over to me and hands me my light breakfast while my makeup artist does my make up. While I was getting my makeup done Aly and Anna walk over and sit next to me. "Hey Missy how do you feel?" They both asked. "I feel nervous yet excited at the same time." I say while smiling. "Well we can tell since you are smiling like that." Aly said. "I just want to get to the church right now and marry Val!" "Z I know how you feel, I felt the same way when I was marrying Maks you saw how I was feeling." Anna said. "I know Anna you were so excited that I thought you were going to burst." "And that's how you feel right now but don't worry once you are in the church and the doors open, and you see Val all the nervousness will go away because all you see is him and no one else trust me." "Wow thank you Anna and Aly you guys are the best." I give them a hug and heard that it was time to go to the church I get up out of the chair and walk to the limo to see my dress going in a separate car. I smile to myself and think that this day will be one of the best day of my life.

We eventually arrive at the church and the girls cover me with blanket so Val can't see me. "You guys come on Val isn't going to see me, he's probably in a room right now waiting with the guys and my ring." "Look Zendaya we are not letting go of this blanket until we get in our designated room so you can get dressed." Bella said. "You guys are not fun but I still love you." Once we arrive to the room I immediately change into my wedding dress and start walking back and forth in the room freaking out about the wedding. "Zendaya, you need to clam down honey you are going to scare yourself." Kelly said. "Kelly's right daya just relax everything will be fine just be positive." Karina said. "But you guys I'm so anxious and nervous and excited at the same time and I just don't know what to do my body wants to walk around, yet I want to sit but I can't because I don't want to ruin my dress!" The girls walk over to me and comfort me and some of them even told me how they felt when they were in my shoes. After forty-five to fifty minutes of comforting me we hear a knock on the door and my mom comes in and tells us that it's time while trying not to cry, I walk over to her and hug her while trying not to cry myself. Everyone then walks out of the room towards the front of the church, once we were there we saw all the groomsmen waiting. The bridesmaids start to pair up with the groomsmen, suddenly the doors open and one by one they go in while I'm watching on the side. Finally, after the flower girl walks down the aisle I see that people are standing up and its now my turn to go.

As the doors open, I think about the past year about telling Val how I felt about him and how happy I was to hear that he felt the same about me too. I look up and see Val smiling at me, right now in my head I'm thinking at I want to run to him and just get this over with but this isn't supposed to be rushed so I have to take my time. But as I'm walking towards him he's all I see and its the same for him. Once, my father and I arrive to Val my father takes my hand and puts it into Val's the two exchange smiles and my father goes to sit beside my mom. Val and I then look at each other then towards the priest, the priest starts to talk and we continue to smile at this moment I want to say I do and kiss the living daylights out of my husband. The priest finally asked us if we take each other as husband and wife and we both say 'I do' at the same time since we've been waiting forever! Once the priest says 'you may now kiss your bride' Val goes in and kisses me like he's never kissed me before suddenly Maks starts to cheer his baby brother on while other clap. After we finish kissing we leave the church, get into the limo, and drive over to The Hilton for the ceremony. While the driver is driving Val and I are kissing and we can't even get our hands off of each other. "Val let's just go on our honeymoon now, I wanna be alone with you and explore each other." "Dayachka, as amazing as that sounds I have to say no we have to go to the ceremony I know you want me and I want you too babe. Do you know how hard it is not to rip that dress off you and have my way with you." Val said. "No baby I don't know but you are right we need to go to the ceremony but when we leave and start our honeymoon promise me that you won't call anyone or receive any calls." "Deal but the same goes for you Zendaya I know the girls are going to know how the sex is with me but you can wait." "What? I don't know if I can do that baby but I promise that I will try." Val and I kiss one last time as the driver stops the limo and opens the doors for us as we walk inside the hotel. While walking to our ceremony people are congratulating us and we tell them thank you once at the door someone messages the DJ and he introduces us as we're walking in. We sit in the front and we are handed our food and we start to eat, after we were done Val takes my hand and leads us to the dance floor for our first dance as a couple from the corner of my eye I see my friend who is like a big sister to me Demi Lovato on stage with a mic she starts to sing one of my favorite songs 'Falling Over Me' while Val and I start to dance. Eventually others come to the dance floor to dance while Val pulls me away so we can change clothes and dance the Argentine Tango.

When we come back we see everyone talking and Val and I get into positions, the DJ quiets everyone down and they look over towards us and the music starts to play we start to dance and I look at the way Val is looking at me. Its the same way he looked at me the first time we did this dance except its more lust and I know that he's thinking he wants to push me against the wall and kiss me. So I do what I usually do and smirk at him after dancing with each other we change back into our formals, cut our cake, and feed it to each other. While the cakes were being placed at tables Maks and Anna give their toasts to the both of us.

Finally, after being at our ceremony for a few hours which was only three hours Val and I decide that it was time for us to leave and get a head start on our honeymoon. So we go into separate rooms to change clothes and meet with everyone out front I walk over to the girls and each one of the gives me a hug. "We hope that you and Val have a unforgettable honeymoon since we packed most of the stuff we got for you since you are gonna need it." Karina said "I don't even want to know what is in my bags right now but I'm gonna miss you guys so much." I hug the girls one last time and walk over to my parents and hug them and anyone else that I could hug. Val then walks us to our limo and we get in, we wave to everyone as the driver pulls off taking us to the airport. As we make it to the airport, Val and I take a pic for our instagram and our fans go nuts for it, we then get into the jet and take off I look out towards the night sky while holding Val's hand wondering where our unknown destination is taking us.

To be Continued in book 2.

Well, you guys we made it to the wedding and it was amazing if I do say so myself. I really hope you all have enjoyed this first book I know I've enjoyed staying up and writing it. But, if you guys want another book you know what to do..... vote, comment, and share love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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