Chapter 9

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After being in Maui for almost two weeks now we have to go back to New York aka the real world. Val puts the luggage and the dogs into the car while I sit on the side not wanting to leave. "Come on babe we gotta go." Val said. "But Val I don't want to go I wanna stay we had so much fun here." I say while trying not to cry. "Dayachka please don't cry you know I hate when you cry besides we will come back." "Promise?" "I promise love." I get up and hug Val. "Baby why are you so sweet to me?" "Because I love and care for you I worship the ground you walk on." I take Val's hand and walk to the car. "I'm really gonna miss waking up here in paradise with you every morning." "I know daya I'm feeling the same way." Val then kisses me while our drive takes us to the airport.

As soon as we got to the airport and went inside we took off. I look over to Val while I'm eating ice cream and he looks so fine that I just want to take a can of whipped cream spray it on him and have my way with him. "Daya?" "Y-yes?" "What are you thinking about over there?" "Nothing babe really." "Daya I know when you are lying and when you're telling the truth so tell me." "Fine since you want to know so badly I was having a fantasy about you." "Oh really tell me." I start to blush should I tell him, I mean he might freak out about it you know what I mean. But he is my fiancé and I should tell him like Val said he wants us to share everything. "Ok I was thinking about taking a can of whipped cream and spraying it on you and have my wicked way with you." It was silent after I spoke great he must be upset at me, suddenly Val gets out of his seat walks over to me, picks me up, wraps my legs around him and pushes us against the wall of the jet. "Val what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing love I wanna have my way with you." Val starts kissing my neck and I moan softly while running my fingers though his hair. "So whipped cream huh?" "Well yea I got the idea while I was eating my ice cream." "I bet Dayachka but we should really stop doing this to each other." "Why I like when we tease each other its going to worse when we are married." "Oh I know it will be so why don't we practice." "Val I'm not 'practicing' that with you." "Well babe you should know that when we where dancing you kinda were practicing with me and I know you enjoyed it." I look away from Val and think about the dances that we've done together and he's right because every time when we were done I felt hot and all I wanted was him to touch me. I feel Val turn my face back towards him and he looks me in the eyes like he is telling me every thing that he felt while we danced. "Val can we sit please. Val walks us over to the couch and sits us down once we're on the couch I lay my head on Val's chest and fall asleep.

When we finally arrives back in New York and got back to the apartment we see Maks and Anna waiting for us and Anna freaks about the ring on my finger. "Have you told anyone yet?" Anna asked. "Nope you and Maks are the only ones who know right now but I'm gonna FaceTime my parents in a few and tell them I know they will be excited since they told me that they are counting the minutes until Val asks me." I said. "Well we won't keep you guys waiting besides Maks and I have a date." "Oh cool you guys have fun." Maks and Anna leave the apartment while I get my laptop and start to FaceTime my parents, Val walks over to me. "You ready for this?" Val asked. "I've been ready for this babe." The call goes though and I see my mom. "Hey mom how are you." "I'm doing good honey your father and I miss you." Claire said. "I miss you guys too but where is dad I need to tell you both something." "Ok let me go get him." My mom leaves the room to go get my father I feel so nervous but I know that they are going to be happy that we are getting married my parents come back a few minutes later. "Ok Zendaya what's the big news that you need to tell us?" Kazembe said. "Well mom and dad Val and I are getting married!!" My parents then jump out of their seats and start celebrating and dancing. "So I take it that you guys are excited about the news?" "Of course we are honey you know we've been counting the days." "Have you told Bella or any of your other friends?" Claire asked. "Not yet I'll tell more people the rest of this week but I'm gonna go lay down it was nice talking to you guys love you." Once I was done talking to my parents I went into our bedroom and laid down and falls asleep with the dogs.

The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing, I pick it up and see that Bella is calling me. "Hey Bella what's up." "Not much how are you and Val doing?" Bella asked. "We are doing well and what's better is that we are engaged!" "No way I knew he was going to ask you!" "Of course I knew that you would be right." "So Missy have you and him set a date for your wedding?" "No not yet but I was thinking about having it either in the spring of next year or the fall either one works for me." "Well I think they are both wonderful choices but you have to talk to your baby about that." "Yea I know oh Val's walking over to me I'll talk to you later kay bye." I hung up the phone and Val walks over to me and gives me a kiss. "Good morning Dayachka." Val said. "Morning Grumpy bear I have a few questions to ask you." "Ok go ahead and tell me." "What do you think about a spring or summer wedding?" "Honestly love I was thinking the same thing you want it to be next year right?" "Yep I really think a spring wedding would be nice because the flowers are in bloom and everything will be pretty if we had a summer wedding it would be too hot so I vote spring." "You are right about the summer so I'm cool with spring too love." I hug Val and kiss him passionately. "Then it's settled we are having a spring wedding guess I will be needing help from the girls and my mom." "Well I told my parents, friends, and everyone from DWTS." "And I bet Bella has already told our friends on twitter." "So now you don't have to worry about tell anyone else they will now ask to see the ring." I then look down at the ring and smile. "Yea they are because they all want to see how big it is and if I know my girls they are gonna go nuts over it." "Well I know you are hungry so how about I make you so breakfast?" "Yes please my amazing fiancé."

While Val cooks breakfast I sit at the table and watch Val cook. When Val was finally done he brings the food to the table and we start eating. "Babe this is so good!" "Why thank you Dayachka it's nice to hear you say that to me." "Val I will always tell you how amazing of a cook you are." "Well love you ate also good at making thing also." "Oh really like what?" "You are good at making desserts and other stuff." "Yea you are right about that Val." Finally when we were done eating we changed and took the dogs to the park. "Babe are you gonna wear your ring?" "Yep our friends and family know so I'm okay to have my fans know they will be happy I just know it." I hope I'm right my fans are everything to me and they love me no matter what. Val and I leave the apartment outside to face the world and our fans to see how they both will react.

Well their family and friends now know I'm sorry this took so long to update I've been in twitter and tumblr for a while but if you want more to see what happens next please vote, comment, and share. :)

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